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Everything posted by sandrog

  1. Great, thank you. However, the latest version no longer allows you to search easily and conveniently through tags. When I type in the search box it no longer shows the tags in the results. To use the tags now you have to go into the filters, making more clicks. A completely unnecessary worsening, since it was enough to leave an already existing and widely used feature... If there is something I didn't understand tell me! Thanks
  2. Thank You a lot! I've moved the DB on the 256gb sd card which I use in my Surface and the process went smooth... everything seems ok up to now... ...still evernote is not able to export in enex format or in html the entire notebook of 11.000 notes... it stops in the middle... On the other hand evernote limits the selection of notes for export to 100 max... so is not possible for me to make a massive copy of my 11.000 notes to have a backup of my content which is independent from evernote... I will try the export to pdf, but I suspect there is an undeclared limit to the maximum number of notes to be exported in a single notebook.... or a bug maybe? Thanks again
  3. 😀😀😀 This is a really good news... I'm going to move the DB but before that I think is more safe to make a backup of the entire set of notes somewhere. I'm trying to export them using the "export notebook" function but it stops in the middle of export saying "an error occurred" without any further explanation... The notebook I'm exporting is big, 11.800 notes... the function works fine with another notebook with only 50 notes, but of course evernote is useful on large number of notes... not 50... Is there a limit in the number of notes to be exported? I've tried several times, both with ENEX format and HTML and both on my Windows surface and Mac Mini Os 13.4.1 ... same results... Of course I've thought to split the notebook in smaller ones, but how many of which size? With which strategy? Splitting notes by year does it make sense? I'm not particularly happy to play moving around my notes because they are important and, as Murphy law says, "If you play enough with something, you'll eventually break it" ... Thank you for any suggestion about backups and also about how to organize notebooks.
  4. Evernote is becoming more and more UNfriendly with its users... especially heavy users... how can I manage the space on my hard disk if I can't move the db on another memory? ...and this after doubling the price... Since I have really a lot of work stored in the notes, tags etc. I'll wait some more months to see if they start to change their strategy (or absence of it).... Thank you for keeping us informed... Any idea why this suicide way to make business?
  5. Hello everybody, I've just being notified my subscription fee will almost double in 2 weeks... I find this very unfair because if the tools is integrated in the personal workflows 2 weeks will not leave really any option if not to accept the new conditions... I'm really disappointed obviously, being an evernote user since 2010 and an advocate of this app. What do you think? Do you have any fast, reliable strategies to migrate to some other platform minimizing the lost of information? I've more than 10.000 notes all of them labeled in many ways... Can you suggest other forum or sites where to find alternatives and migration strategies? Thanks!
  6. I'd like to stress this requirement... sending notes by email is something I do several times a day and usually when I'm in a hurry - like 10min ago... Please please please (I assume that someone of the evernote team reads this forum...): re-introduce the feature as soon as possible... "one of the next releases" is not enough... In the meanwhile... where can I find the previous version of the application? (I want to go back today...). Thank You
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