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Status Updates posted by AlanH

  1. IoS Version Evernote 10.1 (1107121) 

    I was trying to add a PNG file from Notability to Evernote on my iPad Pro but it would not add the file.  I could do it on my iPhone (same version).  I was getting a message on my iPad that it was trying to synch two notes.  Highlighted in a message at the top of the notes list in the left column.  I pressed the x on the right of the message, but it would still not let me save the file.  I could create a new note in Evernote on the iPad that would synch with the server, and new notes I added in Evernote on my Mac would appear.  

    I deleted the app on the iPad and reinstalled it and the message went away.

    And 10 days for support - really!  I am glad I was able to find a way forwards so I can keep using Evernote, but this is part of an on-going sequence of annoying occurrences that mean I have to spend precious time fixing Evernote rather than earning income.  You need to do something to improve this situation very quickly or these new versions are going to kill your company.

    1. DTLow


      You posted this on your status page

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