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Everything posted by donnybahama

  1. Not sure if this was never fixed or if the bad code was checked back in, but I’m having this problem on 6.17
  2. With 200 duplicates, it's pretty hard to tell if it continues to duplicate. Now, if someone could advise me on a quicker, simpler way to delete all these dupes, I could get rid of them all and then monitor to see if the problem persists with the classic editor.
  3. Evernote Web (v6.17.0 on Chrome) created approx. 200 duplicate notes. (I'm not 100% sure they're duplicates. They may represent the last 200 changes I made.) Is there a setting somewhere that saves a new note copy every time a change is made? Is there some way I can select all of these at once and delete them? I only have an iPhone, iPad, and several Linux machines, so I can't use the Windows or Mac app to do this. Please help! It's taking forever to drag individual files to the trash!
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