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Posts posted by gock

  1. Confirmed the problem on Chrome Canary. It seems to be a encoding problem. For now I'm not sure whether it is a bug of the beta version. I'll investigate it.



    Perhaps I'm using too new a Chrome?

    (I'm using newest Beta - Version 43.0.2357.37 beta-m (64-bit))


    I tried "normal reload", "hard reload" and "clear cache and hard reload". Still won't get past loading screen. Console messages are the same.


    I use different Chrome persons and they all have the same issue.


    I'm trying Firefox now and seems to be working fine there.






    It seems to be a network problem. Please try again, with force refreshing. Which browser are you using? Did you try the latest Chrome?



    First of all, 


    Marxico is filling a huge need and I hope it can live up to the promise -- please keep up the good work gock.


    I hope to see better documentation and support -- I think going beyond this forum thread (and twitter) will get you better feedback as well. I, for one, have plenty of opinions. For example: I hope you'll consider open-sourcing Marxico.



    I have an immediate problem: Marxico is not going past the "loading" screen. I'm using Chrome. 


    I've included the console message below, thanks gock.




    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

    'Range.detach' is now a no-op, as per DOM (http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-range-detach).
    local db init
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Uncaught Error: Script error for: core
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Uncaught Error: Script error for: maxiang
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Uncaught Error: Script error for: eventMgr
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Uncaught Error: Script error for: publisher




  2. It seems to be a network problem. Please try again, with force refreshing. Which browser are you using? Did you try the latest Chrome?



    First of all, 


    Marxico is filling a huge need and I hope it can live up to the promise -- please keep up the good work gock.


    I hope to see better documentation and support -- I think going beyond this forum thread (and twitter) will get you better feedback as well. I, for one, have plenty of opinions. For example: I hope you'll consider open-sourcing Marxico.



    I have an immediate problem: Marxico is not going past the "loading" screen. I'm using Chrome. 


    I've included the console message below, thanks gock.




    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

    'Range.detach' is now a no-op, as per DOM (http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-range-detach).
    local db init
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Uncaught Error: Script error for: core
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Uncaught Error: Script error for: maxiang
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Uncaught Error: Script error for: eventMgr
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Uncaught Error: Script error for: publisher


  3. Weird, I just test ESC to quit insert mode and it works well. Please reopen Marxico and try again.


    The vim mode of Marxico is from Ace editor. Check out all the features of it. The code is actively maintained, so there is a latency for Marxico to keep up.


    Hi Gock


        Really beautiful app!

        And a quick question, I tried the vim editor today, how can i exit from the insert mode, since ESC and Ctrl+[ didn't work.

        And how many features of vim does marxico support right now? 

  4. Sorry. I can't promise you that. I have my plans. You can use searching on the left side menu temporally.


    Hi gock,


    Until you introduce the new features in a new big release can you please just add this small improvement for document management. It would be nice to be able to sort the notes alphabetically, so that if I follow a naming convention I can easily find one. This would temporarily help users to organise/categorise their notes until proper document management is introduced.




  5. Thank you for these three great suggestions. I'll try to add 1 and 2 in the next big version. 3 may be later.   


    Hi Gock


    Just bough Marxico for a year. I would like to suggest some features.


    1) Please implemented Dirac notation (I've added a code block below showing how easily to do it with mathjax), this is critical for Chemists and Physicists.

    2) Alt-text for the latex equations would be great (or hidden captions). This would be especially helpful when a document is exported as HTML from Evernote and the equations are embedded a SVG and one wishes to obtain the raw Latex.

    3) It would be great if it would be possible to create templates for Marxico. Every day I use the same basic template for my lab book with standard headings and I have to copy and pate them to a new document each day.

    TeX: { equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "AMS" },               Macros: {                vec: ['\\boldsymbol\{ #1\}', 1],                ket: ['\\left|#1\\right\\rangle', 1],                bra: ['\\left\\langle #1\\right|', 1],                ketbra: ['\\left|#1\\rangle\\!\\langle #2\\right|', 2],                braket: ['\\left\\langle #1\\middle\\vert #2 \\right\\rangle', 2],               },
  6. Thanks for your advice. I'll work on better documents management in the next big version.


    Hey gock!


    Your app is fantastic... Thanks for all your hard work. I am getting close to the end of my trial period and I think I will go for the Pro subscription. However I have a few suggestions that may come in handy for users, who will have a lot of notes created from your app.


    It would be nice if the notes in the left sidebar were organised in a tree-style structure, grouped together if in the same notebook (Best would be if the user could expand/hide notebooks' notes)

    Another would be to be able to pin the sidebar on the left to make it easier to switch between notes. If you decide to implement this feature I would also suggest to make the sidebar resizeable.

  7. Yes, TOC isn't working in Evernote because Evernote forbids ID attributes in ENML. Linking to other notes is workable and it will be available in the next big version.




    Table of contents links to sections of the same note don't seem to work on evernote web app. (specifically the welcome to marixco note)

    any idea when links to other notes (hopefully any note not just the ones created in marixco) will be possible? This would complete everything I need evernote to do that marixco has picked up.


    This is a really great app, thanks for putting this together.


  8. No, you can only edit notes in Marxico. Even if you unselect the readonly option in Settings(in the right side menu), yes, Marxico notes seem to editable in Evernote, but your modification in Evernote won't be recognized by Marxico when you want to edit it in Marxico again.  



    Sorry for my ignorance, can you explain how we can change the setting to edit Marxico within Evernote? This is the only thing that is keeping me from buying Marxico, as otherwise it's a fantastic application.



    By default, Marxico creates notes in readonly to prevent accidentally modification in Evernote. You can change that in Settings.


    The original Markdown content is saved in a hidden area of the notes. So without Marxico, you cannot edit it easily. I'll give a tool to export all your Markdown files of Evernote notes created by Marxico. So please don't worry. 


    The application looks great. My only concern is the fact that items edited in marxi.co and then exported to Evernote are then only editable in marxi.co, is that correct? If I wanted to stop using Marxi.co at some point in the future, would I be able to edit the notes I created with the program?


    Gock, to follow on from "chasely" above: if EN notes created in Marxico are subsequently exported out of EN, are they still editable as markdown notes?



  9. By default, Marxico creates notes in readonly to prevent accidentally modification in Evernote. You can change that in Settings.


    The original Markdown content is saved in a hidden area of the notes. So without Marxico, you cannot edit it easily. I'll give a tool to export all your Markdown files of Evernote notes created by Marxico. So please don't worry. 


    The application looks great. My only concern is the fact that items edited in marxi.co and then exported to Evernote are then only editable in marxi.co, is that correct? If I wanted to stop using Marxi.co at some point in the future, would I be able to edit the notes I created with the program?


    Gock, to follow on from "chasely" above: if EN notes created in Marxico are subsequently exported out of EN, are they still editable as markdown notes?

  10. Thanks. I'll have a look at the problem about notebooks on the files list. 


    As for the source code, I never thought about it. I don't think it is a good and easy way. If you encounter any rough edges, welcome to give me feedback.


    Hey gock,


    for some reason when I open the file list only some of the files list the notebook they're in, in green tag.
    I can get them all to show the notebook by manually putting back in the same notebook name to the note

    but then on re-login some aren't showing again


    Also, do you think you could add the source code (not obfuscated/minimised) to the purchase price? I guess this doesn't make sense if you're constantly updating it but there's a few rough edges I wouldn't mind fixing myself just go have the fix fast.
    Again, fantastic work - transcribing my notes to Evernote using Marxico then making Anki notes from there - works great.

  11. Yes.




    Sorry, `Sync list from Evernote` means to fetch existed Marxico notes from Evernote. The right sync button is besides the `New` button on the top right, with a lightning icon. Or you can just simply press CMD + s.




    Marxico looks pretty cool.


    I am using the Chrome desktop app and trying to sync with Evernote, but it's not working.


    Nothing happens, I don't get a list of my notes and I don't get  any errors.


    Here's a link to a video that shows what I am doing and what's happening ...






    Thanks for your reply.  So if I understand correctly, there's is no way to sync all my existing notes into Marxico, and I cannot edit exiting notes that were created with the Evernote UI, not with Marxico. Am I correct?


  12. Sorry, I just roughly investigated the related information and have been kept an eye on this. I'll work on independent client in the next version. However as I said before, I've no idea how to communicate with Evernote application locally yet.



    Gock, have you been able to investigate this?



    Thanks for your advice! It is a little hard to communicate data with desktop application, at least I have no idea now. I'll investigate it.




    very impressive application, but I have some feature requests:
    Import from desktop application
    export to desktop application
    export to evernote as markdown and not as html




  13. I'd love to give about 35% off for students, however I'm still trying to figure out how to automate the payment and review process. I'll work on this these days. As for you, I'll concat you via messages.


    I love your product, but honestly for a student, $25 is to expensive for a subscription… 


    In my opinion this price is great for a definitive price, but for a subscription, $15 / year seems more affordable.

  14. Sorry, `Sync list from Evernote` means to fetch existed Marxico notes from Evernote. The right sync button is besides the `New` button on the top right, with a lightning icon. Or you can just simply press CMD + s.




    Marxico looks pretty cool.


    I am using the Chrome desktop app and trying to sync with Evernote, but it's not working.


    Nothing happens, I don't get a list of my notes and I don't get  any errors.


    Here's a link to a video that shows what I am doing and what's happening ...




  15. Next version I'll work on documents management. I'll consider your idea.


    The cmd+B problem is a bug of the new editor when you type fast. I'll keep polish the new editor. If you are constantly bothered by this problem, try to change the editor to the deprecated one in `Settings`. 


    Love your work, paid for Marxico Pro the second I saw you could... I just have one simple request, if possible.

    In the notes list on the left hand pane, I believe it only sorts them in the most recently created/edited ordering. I would love if I could sort them alphabetically, as I use it to type out my University lectures, and like to go back at later times to add/remove/view the notes.


    Another (small) bug I noticed is that when I am typing fast and quickly hit cmd + B to start some bold text, occasionally the **strong text** will appear 10-15 words before, in the middle of the sentence. Doesn't happen if I wait a second or two before hitting cmd + B.

  16. Oops, my bad. The default style had the white background under the text. But I removed it to make it look better because the background color of Marxico is not pure white. I didn't think of the situation you mentioned. I'll fix it. Thanks!



    Hi gock, again - amazing piece of software.

    I have this little issue - in a sequence diagram, such as this:

    A->B: Hello man
    B->C: Hi dude
    A->C: This is so great
    The text in the third line does not have a white background that hides the line. If you put the same in http://bramp.github.io/js-sequence-diagrams/ it looks ok.


  17. I don't think the previous version had sub heading underline. Anyway, there is a `Custom CSS` in `Settings`. Check it out. :)


    Take sub headings(h2, with ##) for example, append following syntax to the end:


    h2 { text-decoration: underline; }


    One of the reason the fonts don't look clean is its color. You can change it to black:


    body { color : #000 }


    besides, you can change the font size by check `apply font size to evernote` in settings.


    Obviously, I need to write more documents about how to use Marxico better.



    Hey Gock,


    I cannot thank you enough for creating Marxico... my Evernote usage has doubled as a result of being able to direct input markdown.


    Too bad Evernote does not do the DevCup anymore - you would have had a big winner with Marxico.


    I read hyp0xia's comment, and was wondering if it is possible to modify the CSS? that is used to output to Evernote?


    Also, any plans for a ios app?


    Thanks again for the great work, I look forward to seeing more!


    Hey Gock,


    Not too sure if I'm missing something but I noticed that Marxico no longer adds a nice horizontal rule beneath sub headers. Is there any way to get this back? It really makes the notes easier to read as they help the sub headings stand out better - plus it looks a lot nicer. It also looks like the default fonts have changed?



    How the markdown looked in a previous version of Marxico:








    How the same markdown looks in the current ver:








    Not trying to sound picky here. I am really interested in getting the underlining for the sub headings back as I think they are very important to the visual flow of our notes. I also think the font from the previous Marxico looks cleaner as well.


    On the bright side, it looks like the newer code coloring is more conducive to the Monokai code coloring scheme and removing the underline of anchor text looks great too  :D

  18. Sorry, you can only select existed notebook. You cannot create a new notebook by this way.


    Hi gock,

    Firstly, thank you. I've been in dire need for an application like Evernote but it's limited functionality has stopped me using it. Now using Marxico it's finally perfect!

    One issue I'm having (hopefully not out of my own stupidity) is I've created a document with the following header @(Data Scientists Toolbox)[coursera] but the file just saves as a note in the default notebook, not a new notebook called "Data Scientists Toolbox".

    Using version Marxico 1.3.5

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Also I look forward to supporting your work on this!

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