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About DrPuppet

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  1. Hi there! Auto-filing has not been working recently, either with emails I forwarded to my Evernote address or with the Evernote clipper for Safari. They always just go to the “Evernote” folder. I have triple-checked my account settings, so I am not sure what might be going on. Is this a known issue? Does anyone know a workaround? Thank you!
  2. I am having this issue too! I think the blank one is from “Old Evernote.” I have removed it from my startup items, at least, as it doesn’t seem to be compatible. I just sent in a support ticket asking if the Helper app could still run in the background, even when Evernote isn’t running, as the new Helper icon disappears when you quit Evernote.
  3. Absolutely! I can’t believe this still isn’t a thing! Mailbutler’s Evernote Exporter is no longer supported, so there really is no workaround available now (as far as I know).
  4. I never thought of that! Great idea. Does it appear consistently across platforms? Still, I think full integration, along with colours, would be ideal.
  5. Hi there! An idea from OneNote, but which I bet Evernote could do much better, would be to have symbols associated with tags. The user could choose from a library of symbols, and perhaps could import basic emoji and other Unicode symbols as well. Similarly, colours could be selected for tags as well! Better still, along with simply tagging an entire note, you could tag certain sections internally. Thanks for reading!
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