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About pierslehmann

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  1. Yeah... Seems odd given the direction with simplifying the app verse and having more minimal, clean apps. It's built in obsolescence I suspect. What stuff that happening to Fitbit owners now with Googles antics. Just super glad I was able to rescue the HW. Gives.even more credentials to the open source front too. I guess I could have gone down the vues an route and coughed up 60 $ for their SW and drivers but got lucky with the help here 🎁🤓😎😍
  2. ran de- EE to fujitsu worked fine- now installed scansnap home and all is good with the usage of my 'new' IX500 - for fear of continuing this thread on a tangent- what do we think/know is the rationale behind the time limited availability of this ( ie march 23) - to intentionally render HW useless is just morally wrong. Though this might be a commercial reason to push people to 'upgrade' under the guise of 'it's too expensive to continue to support the product' *****. anyway I am grateful to Pink elephant for the quick and accurate responses. If/as / when the PE link expires I've shared them at the following link.-I'll leave it there in perpetuity https://mega.nz/folder/gv8mSQ6D#A3ry1Lwh1uIoyYp6uccA_w hopefully this will help folks that come across this thread with the same issue and not have to bother PE
  3. thanks PE!!! that linhk works now to the DL for the files @PinkElephant loosk like I'm in the same boat- I've resurected my 'old' ix500ee edition and missed the other boat on the 23rd march to DL the EE to Fujitsu Firmware upgrade/downgrade ... the links here don;t work so hoping that either you or one of the successful folks here can repost the firmware app. @sryidk do you have the firmware tool ? that you could share ?
  4. Thanks Pink, sorry for the delay - been away travelling. jsut clicked the link and get... does the link work for you ?
  5. @PinkElephant loosk like I'm in the same boat- I've resurected my 'old' ix500ee edition and missed the other boat on the 23rd march to DL the EE to Fujitsu Firmware upgrade/downgrade ... the links here don;t work so hoping that either you or one of the successful folks here can repost the firmware app. @sryidk do you have the firmware tool ? that you could share ?
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