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Daniel IV

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Everything posted by Daniel IV

  1. I'm not sure, Mike. The five tag example was associted with that particular search, otherwise my guess is that I have about 100 tags. What I do know is that what Evernote offers me in their Suggested Filter feature is NEVER what I'm trying to find. All I really need is a list of the tags included in that particular search so I could filter/narrow down the search... It used to work great. But I've been begging for 2 year now... 🙁
  2. Thank you fo the suggestions, Mike, but it does not work for me.
  3. Nope. You are right, and that's what frustrates me the most - it used to work...
  4. I miss the presentation mode...
  5. Thank you for your reply. Where I think Evernote falls short (and what worked great couple years ago) is that when I want to Add Filters and I click on Tags, it shows me all the tags I have ever created instead only the tags used in those 300 notes. Before it would show me only the tags used in those 300 notes and I was able to narrow down the search further. Just out of the pictured tags below, 6 of the tags that Evernote offers me lead to "No Notes Found" message... So why not to show only the 5 tags that actually are associated with those particular 300 notes? 🤔
  6. I guess I don't understand this or I'm missing something, but it seems to me that it's a basic function (and not having it as a major flaw). For me the only point of storing notes is to be able to find them later on. I have about 7,000 notes in my Evernote. I click on a Notebook and it narrows it down to lets say 300. That's perfect, but 300 notes is still a lot, I need to narrow it further. It seems like that a tag would be the next logical step, however, when I click on the tags, Evernote goes back to all 7,000 notes instead of just letting me choose from these 300. And I'm not even talking about the frustration you get when you select a tag and Everonote says "no notes found". Well, if you offered me only the tags that were included in those particular 300 notes, I wouldn't select a tag with no notes... I love Evernote and I use it pretty much daily. I don't know what I'm missing, but for me this seems basic and it's a huge source of disappointment. And you know what the worst thing is? Evernote already knew how to do this couple years ago... I contacted Evernote, but since I'm like "the only one" who has an issue with this, I can't move the needle. If this drives you crazy as much as me, please issue a support ticket. Thank you 🙏.
  7. Can you please add the option to choose default font and size?
  8. I'm not sure about the version. Maybe this one then: 10.17.6 I just wish I could print/export multiple notes on one sheet of paper/file. 😉
  9. Ability to export multiple (selected) notes into pdf and/or csv.
  10. Evernote removed presentation mode from mobile devices while ago. ☹️ It was an amazing feature and the reason I had Premium at that time. Since they removed it from the desktop now, it doesn't seem they will bring it back. ☹️ What drives me crazy is that I love Evernote and see so much potential, but they just don't seem to care... ☹️ The solution I have been using is close to a world class pain, but I thought I would mention it anyway for the case someone finds it helpful. 1. You need to figure out how to get the notes to Trello (depending on your situation, Zapier may be very useful) 2. Trello will let you export the notes to Google Slides (it creates the presentation with a click of the button). 3. Present from Google Slides. If Evernote doesn't want to support their own "presentation" mode, it would be really cool if they let us integrate with Google Slides directly... It's just sad...☹️
  11. Does anyone know if there is a way to tell if Evernote is planning to bring this feature back? It was essential to the way I was using it... ☹️
  12. I'm glad to hear that. I hope they can bring it back. It already worked well...
  13. Albert, but it shows all the tags instead of just the tags used in that search or notebook. I have like 300 tags... It's a madness to find something...
  14. When I used make a search or clicked on a notebook, I was able to filter the notes by a tag - it would show only the tags used in that particular search result. Now it shows all tags instead, so when I click on a tag (unless I'm lucky), I get no results. That feature is gone? 😞
  15. I see. It doesn't work in the Expanded Card View, you have to be in the Card View. Thank you!
  16. When I select multiple notes, no box "opens". Do I need to click something? I need to add a tag to multiple notes. Is there a way to do that? Thank you!
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