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Posts posted by bradypatterson

  1. On 9/20/2022 at 4:49 AM, gazumped said:

    An external Freemium app - Filterize - will edit titles and (I think) will do what you want.  It only works on newly created or edited notes,  so you might have to bulk add a tag or something  to switch it on.  Not sure if this is available as part of the 'free' service,  but it may be worth a look...



    I did end up using this and it worked perfectly although I had to pay for a month which is fine with me since it's exactly what I was looking for. 

    I backed up my notes in ENEX files then started on the process. 

    It had an issue changing the old notes the first time so I made a TEMP folder in EN and set that as the folder that would prepend the date. 

    Anything I dragged in there took a while but the dates got added. So it's a slower process, but does the job. I did it starting about 4pm my time yesterday and I checked before bed and was only small way into the process, woke up and all done. 

    This was a small test of 900 notes, now I'll add the rest I need. 

    For reference, I'm using Evernote Legacy, Windows 10, and Filterize. 

    The action steps were to pay for account, then go to Dashboard > Filter Manager > create Simple Filter > choose Note Title > Add Title Prefix > click + sign and choose Time Note Was Created > choose the time format I wanted > set condition to In Notebook and type name of notebook > save > drag notes into notebook and wait 

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, gazumped said:

    An external Freemium app - Filterize - will edit titles and (I think) will do what you want.  It only works on newly created or edited notes,  so you might have to bulk add a tag or something  to switch it on.  Not sure if this is available as part of the 'free' service,  but it may be worth a look...



    I will try this, I'm fine to pay if needed as I have a lot of notes to deal with and my other option is to share my notes and get a VA to manually do it so I'll explore Filterize first. Thanks!

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  3. 16 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Sure - type it in ….

    EN v10 does not support scripting.

    Maybe there are tools that allow to change a title based on a notes properties, but they likely will only work with legacy. Or (maybe as well) you could write a program that accesses the server database through the API, reads and modifies the notes as you want it.

    Nothing easy and off the shelf, I think,

    Unfortunately that doesn't help with my 13000 notes that already exists. I should have been more clear in my post that I need to preprend to existing notes. Thanks for the ideas tho, I'll keep trying to find a solution as that's a lot of typing...

  4. @Kolmir, I definitely feel that sunk cost after 11 years as an Evernote user but the past 6 months is definitely taking me towards other options. Nimbus and Notion, etc come with their issues but since I can't even use the new EN as it just hangs endlessly, changing is turning into my only viable option, especially as my yearly renewal for EN comes up soon. I'll hang in till the last minute because thankfully at least Legacy still works. 


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  5. After about 6 months using the garbage that is the new EN, I think I'm ditching for Nimbus. I'm still on Legacy as the updated version of EN is useless. And I mean that literally. Every time I try to use the app it crashes or is so slow that it can take several minutes to open a note. As a near decade Premium subscriber, I'm likely ditching out. I'm at the end of my rope for something that I pay for. This was a huge fail on EN part and I bought Nimbus as an alternative. Yes, has issues, but from my playing with if, far less than the garbage that is the new EN. 

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