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About Istari6

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  1. Bingo. I was opening Help and then holding Option. Reversing the order works. I see the database and I'm good to go. Thank you for the quick responses!
  2. This is what I see in my Evernote Legacy on the Mac: There's no Troubleshooting option, whether I hold down Option key or not.
  3. I've run multiple searches of these forums, and checked the FAQ here: Unfortunately, I can't find an answer on where Evernote Legacy (7.14.1) stores the database locally. I'd like to back it up just for peace of mind, and have done this multiple times in the past. But I can't find the DB under ~/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/ anymore, and no options seem to appear when holding down Option and going through menu choices in the UI. Any advice?
  4. Completely agree. I'm rolling back to older version due to the lag. The speed of Evernote is one of its greatest assets. This NEEDS to be resolved.
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