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About helloandyhihi

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  1. I tried using a writing program called Scriviner, but I found its UI/UX too clunky. Using an Evernote notebook, you can achieve pretty much everything Scriviner does... but not being able to manually order notes is hugely inconvenient. I'm surprised people have been asking for this since 2013, it doesn't sound like it would be too difficult to implement.
  2. I wish it were easier to organize stacks and notebooks. I love Evernote, it's a big part of my life. But I wish organizing notebooks would be closer to how macOS's finder works. I have hundreds of notebooks. When I go to the Notebooks view, I can only view 8-10 stacks/notebooks. The lists are super huge and take up a ton of space. When I want to organize them, I dread it and usually don't bother. Also, it'd be nice to be able to have more levels of organization than just stacks and notebooks. In the macOS finder, I can create as many folders as I want. I can also choose how the lists are displayed, making it super compact or not. It'd be great if Evernote for Mac could move closer to that.
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