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Posts posted by olek3a

  1. Only that it didn't work. 

    "Regarding your request to update the billing address associated with your Evernote account, please be advised that we're in the process of moving our billing apparatus over to a new system, and while we're excited for the improvements this change will bring, the ability to update the billing address on our website is temporarily disabled. I apologize for the delay in processing this update."


  2. On 1/3/2021 at 9:14 AM, Red Raven said:

    Please please please, add this feature. It is the one and only feature that is making me consider dropping my Evernote subscription and finding an alternative. It seems like a hugely popular feature. If it's never coming to Evernote, I think it would be nice to hear from someone as to why, especially considering I pay for the program every year.

    I think OneNote would suit you. please, please, please consider it and let us enjoy the freedom of tags instead of folders.

    • Confused 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, lemonsalt said:

    Another vote for this feature. It seems clear to me that Evernote will never make this available, and they don't care how many customers they lose. I'm a paying customer, and I'm leaving because of this. Notejoy, Nimbus Note, OneNote and a host of others let you nest about as much as you want. Even 1 extra level of nesting from Evernote, and I'd stay because their web clipper is by far the best. Still, it's easier to work around the web clipper issues with another product (and hope it develops the features I need eventually) than deal with not having nested notebooks.

    Nested folders are how we have all learned to use computers. Search fails if you can't remember the exact words, so effective browsing will always be necessary. And that needs at least one more level of subcategorization than Evernote is apparently willing to give. I don't get it.

    That obsolete paradigm is used by OneNote, those who need it are not Evernote customers. If you can classify things thoroughly before capturing them, you just chose the wrong tool. I want to capture quickly without thinking what folder should I choose first. Or putting new notes to inbox and sorting them manually later. For effective browsing I learned advanced search in Evernote and it helps a lot. I only wish they wouldn't discontinue search by geolocation. 

  4. 18 hours ago, jefito said:

    Put a little more precisely: in the interest of keeping different feature requests in the forums separate, so that they can be individually evaluated by Evernote folks and forum users, and since your request has nothing at all to do with the implementation of nestable notebooks, but instead, a different way to do tag searches (something that I agree with, btw), I'd say, yes, a separate request would be best. 

    I came across this thread while checking if my request for nested tag search would be a duplicate a couple of years ago and stuck in this holiwar. Actually I can't remember if I have submitted it then, because the forums structure is too complicated and is not obvious at all.

  5. 13 hours ago, DTLow said:

    Check out tags; unlimited hierarchy203679678_ScreenShot2018-12-04at09_28_27.png.95dcb56ba63325998e4b12f25702bd68.png

    The only problem with tag hierarchy, which made me subscribe to this topic, is that I don't have a search expression which whould find notes marked with parent tag or any nested tag automatically without need to specify all of them explicitly. Yes I can select it from left panel, but I can't save this search and so on. 

  6. On 07.04.2018 at 10:03 PM, CalS said:

    You can do as @DTLow suggests and search tag:novel, or you can do an All search with the three tags.  This will return any note that contains one of the three tags.

    I wanted to avoid listing all three tags, because I have already specified that they are nested, and searching this way I will not be able to find notes having novel or any child or grand child tag and notification which is not complete. 

  7. On 21.02.2018 at 5:58 AM, DTLow said:

    >>if I want to organise notes for writing a novel, I could call the main notebook 'Novel', and then have sub notebooks called 'characters', 'theme', etc.  Within 'Character'  I could then have sub-notebooks like 'David', 'Sarah', etc containing notes about those characters.

    A work-around is to use a standard naming convention; for example

    This workaround makes the list of notebooks or tags look a bit too crouded and messy for me, i whould need another search engine to search through it.

    I have tags 'Novel',  'David' and 'Sara' which are nested:

    • Novel
      • David
      • Sara

    And in windows app I can click on 'Novel' tag and list all notes with nested tag. My question is how I can search through all notes related to the Novel, i.e. tagged with 'Novel', 'David' or 'Sara' without adding tag 'Novell' to all 'David' and 'Sara' tagged notes too.

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