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Everything posted by KJM

  1. Why does does this happen when creating a meeting request in Google using text copied from Evernote? Simple list (as it appears in Evernote for Mac) item number one... second bullet... more info etc. Simple list (after cut & paste, added to a Google Meeting Request) item number one... second bullet... more info etc.
  2. There is no commitment to fix the Mac cut & paste dark mode issue. I'm looking at Microsoft OneNote right now. They have a free conversion utility.
  3. I've had the same problem for about a month. I'm running Outlook for Mac 16.29 (19090802), Mac OS 10.14.6, and Evernote 7.13 (458080 Direct). Cut and Paste from Outlook works to Apple Notes. This is what I'm using as a workaround. Note to Evernote, I won't be renewing my annual contract in Dec if this bug isn't fixed. This is a big deal for me!
  4. I'm running Evernote 5.5.1 on Mac 10.9.2. I can no longer paste unformatted text using shift, control, command v. What happened? I can paste unformatted on all my other other Mac applications.
  5. Unfortunately this feature doesn't exist - like it does in every Windows and Mac productivity application. I don't think I would have switched from Microsoft OneNote if I had realized this limitation.
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