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David Sepulveda

Evernote Expert
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Everything posted by David Sepulveda

  1. I made sure to submit a support ticket with activity log. Probably should have done it a long time ago, but today it really frustrated me in addition to all the other problems I have been having with performance and evernote.
  2. I am on the latest version of Evernote on iPad Pro. This happens frequently where I will take a screen shot or drag and drop an image and it creates 2 duplicates of that image. I was able to capture a screen recording of not only this issue but another issue I have where notes will just take forever to load! Steps: - took a screen shot of evernote - Copy and pasted screen shot into note - Evernote created 3 images - deleted two This is not a one off issue it happens every time. IMG_0239.MOV
  3. This is so frustrating, I crated a calendar event note and went in to edit and it just sits there trying to sync. I am on the latest version of Evernote for ipad, and I will have to say I am experiencing a lot of performance issues, where the app is slow and buggy. I have attached a video clip of the issue. Funny thing is the main reason I was recording the video is to record how each time I copy and image into Evernote it creates 2 duplicates! Instead I captured the note just syncing and taking forever to load and allow me to copy and paste my image. IMG_0236.MOV
  4. I would like to request two features be added to text formatting: 1. List Toggle This would give us the ability to group texts together and Save space in notes. This would make it more efficient to emphasis different ideas within notes and easier to break up ideas. Within the Toggle you should be able to include bullets, checkboxes and numbers. 2. Quotes and focus blocks It would be nice to be able to emphasize quotes using special formatting like a call out.
  5. Being iPad only, having the ability to edit the column width in Evernote would be helpful. I currently have to log into the web app to adjust column width if I need to update a note.
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