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Posts posted by QFieldBoden

  1. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    Back to this thread: It was started to find out why an audio was suddenly transcribed into Welsh language. Any further ideas about it ?

    I guess all I can say is that at least the alternatives seem to deliver something potentially useful, in English rather than something useless, in "Welsh". Whilst the Evernote offering remains unreliable and Evernote Support continue to not respond people like me are going to continue to look for alternatives. Sad state of affairs when we are paying good money for Evernote.

  2. 7 minutes ago, AKARJLUK said:

    Yet another support ticket submitted. Last two ignored i wont hold my breath.

    EN is now becoming really useful once again but so called support is a disgrace- get a grip if you are reading this.

    I've still not had any kind of reply to my support ticket either. I've also started to experiment with AudioPen as an alternative for transcribing audio files and to be honest it is light years ahead of Evernote and is actually reliable. I think I'm just going to abandon Evernote for this function particularly as there seems to be zero interest from Bending Spoons in resolving it. This cannot be down to a local system setting if a number of different users on different platforms are having the same issue.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Jon/t said:

    Easiest way to find it is to go into the help and learning section and top right is view my requests. Click on your request and the URL should look something like this:


    That's the ticket number. Its not normaly needed but I can flag this as a bug and point to the support ticket so they can get more info on what happened.

    Thanks! I followed this and it did also demonstrate that I wasn't going madeand I did actually report this problem a month ago and have had no reply, which is why I couldn't find anything in my email system.

    My TWO ticket numbers are:



    Hope these help.


    • Like 1
  4. 24 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

    Not very helpful. Send in a support ticket explaining what has happened and attach your logs as well. You can get them from the Help-->Activity Logs section of the top menu.

    Once you have a ticket number let me know.

    25MB file size so around 25 mins of an MP3.

    Well I've sent in a support request and interestingly in their reply they do not provide a support ticket number.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

    Not very helpful. Send in a support ticket explaining what has happened and attach your logs as well. You can get them from the Help-->Activity Logs section of the top menu.

    Once you have a ticket number let me know.

    25MB file size so around 25 mins of an MP3.

    Not impressed with having to send activity logs to Evernote when they make it clear that this will include note titles, "some" content etc. Would you be happy about that!

  6. 28 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

    Its all looks very Welsh to me that!! Let me know if it happens again as I'm intrigued by it.

    Hello, well I've just done a few more trials and one of them involved reading some text from a book about Northumberland and then asking Evernote to transcribe it. Here is the result, totally useless:

    I ddweud y bydd y Northumberland yn y llyfrgell o christianiaeth yma yn agor i drafodaeth, a bydd y rhan fwyaf o'r ysgolion yn rhoi'r rhan fwyaf yn ein lle pan fyddwn i'n ceisio ei wneud. Fodd bynnag, mae'n ddiddorol ddweud bod y gweithgaredd o'r ysgol ar ddatblygu christianiaeth yn anhygoel, a efallai mwy na unrhyw un arall. Mae St Aidan, St Cuthbert, St Wilfred a nifer o eraill yn dal i fod yn lle yng Nghaerdydd Northumberland, ffenomenon efallai nad yw'n eithaf gyffredin mewn ardalau eraill y wlad. Mae'r effaith hefyd o'r Cynoniaid cyntaf yn anhygoel. Roedd St Hilda yn dilyn St Aidan, ac fel Abbes o Whitby, roedd yn ymwneud â'r Synod Gwyllt, lle ddefnyddiodd y fform Romaidd o christianiaeth dros y model Celtic.
    Heddiw, maen nhw'n dal i fod yn gwybod yn leol fel Cwddidwcs, sy'n ein gofyn i ni am amser St Cuthbert ar yr Aelodau Ffarn, lle roedd e'n dweud ei fod i'w rhoi'n dŵr. Yn ychydig yn ddiweddar mae'r Normanniaid wedi adeiladu eu priori ar Ffarn Lyndis, yn ymddiriedol iddyn nhw. Nid oedd Christianiaeth yr unig dyddiad i'w dilyn yma, fel sy'n cael ei ddangos gan y temple o Mithras ym mhob Chester, lle oedd y soldiadau Romaidd wedi'u prio. Yn ychydig yn ddiweddar, mae'r cyfeiriadau stôn sy'n dod yn ystod o'r Romaidd, fel y maen nhw i ni, efallai wedi cael eu defnyddio i'r un pwrpas.
    Mae llawer o leoedd sy'n sylweddol ddiddorol yn gallu cael eu cael ei ddarganfod o gwmpas y ddinas, o'r well holystone i'r ysgol fach ym Newton Kirk, lle mae sgripti anhygoel yn ddangos y tri ffrindiau sy'n ymddangos gifnau, ond hefyd yn ddangos ciltiau. Yn ymwneud â'r broblemau'r ffordd, roedd y ysgolion a'r abeioedd yn targed ffurf, ac i sicrhau eu hunain a'u ffloc, roedd y ysgolion Corbridge, Embleton a'r Elsdon yn adeiladu towerau pêl gwahanol.
    Nid i fod wedi'u gwneud hynny, roedd y mynciau ym Mhrifysgol Holy, wedi cael adeiladau'n adeiladu i'r ffabrig cyffredinol, lle gallwch chi dal i weld llwybrau ar ôl a'r adeiladau o'r barbecyn a'r llwybrau perimedol. Yn ystod y rheffamiaeth, roedd y casgliadau monastig yng Nghymru yn dderbyn yr hyn maen nhw'n ei wneud yn y rhan fwyaf o'r wlad, yn hytrach na phobl Catholig a Protestant yn teimlo'r rôl o lywodraeth ar ôl y rhain o Mary a Elizabeth.
    Y rhan fwyaf o'r rhain oedd Thomas Percy, sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y rheffamiaeth ar ôl y rhain o Elizabeth i adeiladu'r llwybrau o'r blaen a chael ei ddewis yn y ffordd sy'n ei wneud. Fel bod yr Abbeys Gwych o Hexham, Lindisfarne, Brinkburn a Annock i gyd wedi penderfynu ar y rhan o'r Comisiynydd, roedd rhai o'r cyngorau fwyaf yn edrych ar ôl. Roedd rhai o'r cyngorau fwyaf yn edrych ar ôl, o'r cyngorau fwyaf yn edrych ar ôl, gan ddod o'n gemau fel ysgol Buwick, yn ymddangos yn eithaf Byzantin, a'r ystafellau alabaster mwyaf o Sir Ralph a Lady Elizabeth Grey yng Nghymru.
    Yn aml, roedd y rhan monastig sy'n cael ei ddarparu i'r digwyddiadurwyr Tudor yn sicrhau bywyd o sefydliadau dynol. Dyma'r cas yng Nghymru, pan ddechreuodd y preseptoriaeth o'r Dynion St John yn 1313 yn cael ei ddewis i'r ystafell fansiyn. Yn y blynyddoedd, dechreuodd rhan fwyaf o'r cyngorau dynol eu rhannu, ac nid yw'n anodd iawn i ffeindio'r gweithwyr ymgyrchu led yn y rhan yng Nghymru, i ddweud iaith John Wesley.
    Mae'r methodistiaid, ynghylch y cyngorwyr, y preseptoriaeth a'r ystafellau eraill, wedi rhoi eu rhan hefyd, gyda chyngorwyr a chyngorwyr ymgyrchu o gwmpas y ddinas, gyda gweithgareddau arbennig iawn sy'n cael eu cael yn lefelau fel Wydrington a Belfed. Roedd y pŵer o ddynion yn fwy na hynny o'r monarch. Mewn gwirionedd, roedd y ddynion y ddinas yn rhan arall o'r Prins Bisopric o Ddurhamn ar ôl ystod ystod y 19eg ganrif.

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/8/2024 at 6:55 AM, AKARJLUK said:

    I have encountered this issue regularly. The Reflectnotes app had a similar problem with Whispersynch, which they resolved by allowing users to select a language and provide a text sample to "train" the app.

    Initially, I thought the problem within Evernote (EN) was related to the IP address, but that is not the case.

    When I export the audio file and use other transcription apps, it transcribes correctly in English, disproving claims that the issue could be related to my accent (I live 200 miles from Wales).

    Currently, this problem renders the transcription function completely unreliable.

    I submitted a support ticket four weeks ago, but I have yet to receive a response from Evernote.

    Can I ask what other transcription apps you use as I'm looking for a reliable alternative? Thanks, Q

  8. Just now, Jon/t said:

    Its all looks very Welsh to me that!! Let me know if it happens again as I'm intrigued by it.

    The problem is I'm reluctant to use it for anything serious in case I just end up with Welsh again, possibly with a large important file. My plan was to generate a single voice file during a day and then have Evernote transcribe it into a "diary" entry, apart from other uses. If I just get Welsh back then I've got a voice recording that I then have to transcribe manually. The plan was for the transcribed text to be searchable in the future which obviously the audio wouldn't have been.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

    This is odd... @QFieldBoden and @Dave J M can you send me some support ticket numbers and I can try and flag it.

    Its possibly the 4th or 5th time I've heard this and haven't been able to replicate it and I'm like 6 miles from Wales so the closest!

    For the record I just generated another audio file on my Sony handheld recorder (mp3 file format) and it transcribed perfectly. No idea whether it's been fixed or whether the problem will resurface.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

    This is odd... @QFieldBoden and @Dave J M can you send me some support ticket numbers and I can try and flag it.

    Its possibly the 4th or 5th time I've heard this and haven't been able to replicate it and I'm like 6 miles from Wales so the closest!

    Hi Jon/t I have checked back through my emails and I can find no record of my having a support ticket so maybe I didn't report it after all and just gave up in disgust! I did keep some samples of the output in Evernote when I was doing my trials with it and here is a sample of what Evernote sent back to me. As you see it wasn't very helpful!

    Helo, fy enw i yw Quentin, ac mae fy enw, Lorina, a fi ynghylch fy mod i'n mynd ar drip i Ffrancia lle rydyn ni'n mynd i edrych ar ôl rhagor o bobl sy'n cael eu cwmni a'u gweithwyr am ddwy flynedd o wythnosau. Rydyn ni'n edrych yn ddiolchgar iawn ar drip hwn, er mwyn fod yn ddau ffyrdd o draethau'n fawr, ond maen nhw'n edrych yn dda iawn, ac maen nhw'n edrych fel bobl da, ac rydyn ni'n gobeithio y byddai'n werthfawr.
    Heddiw, yng Nghymru, mae'r fath yn dda iawn, ond yma yng Nghymru, lle rydyn ni'n mynd, mae'r fath yn edrych yn dda iawn, ac rydyn ni'n meddwl y byddai'n dda iawn i ddod o hyd i 28 oed ar y cyfnod rydyn ni'n mynd yno. Fel rhan o'r drip hwn, rydw i'n gobeithio cymryd tandwm titanium, gan dynion rydw i wedi cysylltu â nhw, ac rydw i'n gobeithio y bydd y penderfyniad yn dod, ac rydw i'n gobeithio y bydd y penderfyniad yn dod,

    • Like 1
  11. I had exactly the same problem with stuff coming out in Welsh. I'm nowhere near Wales and don't sound Welsh at all, I originate from Derbyshire.

    I too contacted Evernote and I too have had no response whatsoever.

    I would have loved this feature but have completely abandoned trying to use it as for me it either works reliably or it's of no use to me at all.

    As a matter of interest I tried converting to Welsh that emerged into English, using Google Translate, and it still make no sense.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Rabbit704 said:

    As someone who has worked as a developer through to C-level in global software dev and tech companies, my experience is that, the majority of the time, the issues that we are seeing at Evernote rarely have a root cause in the dev team ... they are usually self inflicted technical issues through poor management (software dev process - I still don't think Evernote has one, people mgmt, leadership etc) and decision making at the top. There is a reason that Chris O' Neill got the boot along with most of his execs a few years back and it wasn't because the dev team were lousy (I doubt they are).  Unfortunately, Ian Small has demonstrated he too doesn't have the tech leadership chops he claims, evidenced the overwhelming backlash to v10 and the fact that support are so backlogged now that there is effectively no support at all. That's got nothing to do with squashing bugs and everything to do with knowing how to execute and resource your team properly - all things that someone in Ian Small's position should know.

    This is a genuine question. I'm very unhappy about the way Evernote is going downhill and I'm a long time user with loads of notes. You look to have some technical knowledge and no loyalty to Evernote, can you advise a user (me) what in your opinion would be the best alternative to go for in moving from Evernote, I want to be able to import a .enex file of all my notes. Something like Notion any use? Thanks.

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  13. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    @QFieldBoden Why don’t you find out yourself ?

    Since you seem to turn everything offered to you into something negative, I really have no motivation to do it for you ...

    You misjudge me but I can live with that. I would of course find out myself if I was in the "fortunate" position of it having been made available to me to run on my Mac but it has not. Which is why I asked. And yes, I did check if a download was available.

  14. 41 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Thanks - it looks like finally things start to get moving.

    Sure I prefer to discuss how to employ new features instead of missing ones. Anyhow I hope that rolling out known features we are waiting for will happen side by side with new functions like this home dashboard.

    But again: Nicely done, cool look & feel, pulling together what will do to make my day.

    Does anyone know if it will load properly, quickly, consistently and reliably? Can more than 50 notes be selected and can it be backed up easily and reliably? If all these are not present it's just a facelift. or maybe a lip job.

    • Like 5
  15. 16 hours ago, malex583 said:

    I use Evernote for two reasons: reliability and good search. I require both. If you’re not going to fix it in the next month I simply can’t stay. I don’t want to leave, but you’re messing with my livelihood.

    Please recognize what your customers are paying for and get back to delivering it.

    I feel your pain and I couldn't agree more.

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  16. 3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    If I were you, I would probably run legacy plus issue a support ticket about v10. If EN wants to quit legacy one day, they need to give directions for Macs running older MacOS versions as well.

    I think TBH my course of action is pretty much decided. I'm now off iOS and just on my iMac. I'm going to just observe for maybe 3 months and see if Evernote get their act together and see if they come up something which satisfies me and many other users, something that at least delivers the same performance as what they replaced.

    If things aren't moving in a far better direction I'm going to be reluctantly concluding that Evernote has had it's day and is in terminal decline and take the pain and maybe more to something like Notion which at least seems to be on the way up rather than on the way down. Notion is also half the price and their free version is also probably adequate for many users.

    Evernote, in all honesty, has for some time now been on the way down, weighed down by bloatware and really going nowhere fast.

    • Like 3
  17. 3 hours ago, luvmyc6 said:

    I am using iOS EN v10 on both my iPhone 12 and iPad Pro 10.5 (2017). I am in EN multiple times per day on one or the other device and I find the performance very tolerable. In fact, I even noticed a bit of an improvement with the recent 10.3 release. I have over 2,000 Notes in my app and use the search feature quite often, with reasonable performance.

    I'm glad it's working out for you. Maybe having 20% of the notes and newer hardware Makes a difference. However when performance on Legacy = Ok and performance on v10 = ***** when on the same machine and the same database there is something badly wrong, as I think many of the comments illustrate!

  18. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:


    What sort of iMac, and on which MacOS ? I have no problem running both legacy & v10.4.7 in parallel on my Mac (MBP 15“, BigSur).

    High Sierra, 10.13.6 27" 2.8Ghz Intel i5, 16Gb RAM. Not a spanking new machine but Evernote should run on it and they haven't said it won't, everything else does!  Sometimes it loads, sometimes it doesn't but v10 always slow even when it does load. It was absolutely fine before the update. Legacy seems Ok, it's this new junk that's the problem.

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