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Dave J M

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  1. Thanks PinkElephant - great post, let's keep to seeing why "Welsh" language translationsa re coming up and see if we can provide some consistent feedback to Evernote. i doubt they can recreate the problem (or easily) or it is not high enough on tne radar for them. Overall this fully relaibly working is a great addition to the Evernote tool kit!
  2. Well I am back from my holidays - and my last two attempts to use transcribe are coming back in...English ! So it would appear to be an intermttent issue for me although as others are experiencing it there is clearly a "bug" somewhere.
  3. I was using the ausdio as a precursor to using the copy as text. I talk much faster than I type. I also get lots more ideas down that way - then go in and edit the copy amd make it more presentable for sharing. The audio is not for distribution.
  4. I am actually on holiday in Spain so if anything would have expected Spanish! Although I suspect it doesn’t depend on locale / IP as I have done a few more tests today and 75% were ok, back to English. my current theory, for what it’s worth , is that the app “detects” from voice and words and so certain sentences prompt it to think Welsh!
  5. I love the transcribe feature….fantastic for verbally outlining a topic, suggestion etc and then editing the transcribed results down into something a bit punchier and concise. Except…as of today…. And I have tried this a few times including exiting the app….my spoken English results are coming back in Welsh ! Not sure how to fix this and thought it worth sharing ! I guess the transcribe works of the language it “ detects”. I was v clear on my later attempts.
  6. I have the "recurring tasks" issue. It appears to me that Tasks within the "to Do" list are ok but Tasks within other Notes are not! I have 10.54 on IOS. It used to work....now we have a bug!
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