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About mark-t

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  1. Many thanks! *update - now all working.
  2. Thanks-have started discussion with Evernote. Yes-apparently an issue with some, not all users.
  3. This one. Thanks for the link - I will try other channels.
  4. There is a Help link in the menu under my photo on the left of the Evernote page. I click on this link as I need help. Evernote logs me out. I log in. I click on this link as I need help. Evernote logs me out. I log in. I click on this link as I need help. Evernote logs me out. I log in. I can continue this for days on end, but I have other stuff to do. It is one way of reducing help demands but as a paying customer I was hoping for more. PS As a paying customer, I choose not to use the telephone, for personal reasons. I would like a clearly identified email address or an online help system. Not an AI robot - a person. Perhaps spend less time on technical 'advances' and concentrate on customer support. And on improving text editing features. Thank you Mark
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