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About moslien

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  1. Ah, update did not show up App Store before now, but did not help. Thanks for your attempts to help out, but I decided right now to leave Evernote for Obsidian, at least you there have control over the files. Evernote try what they can to avoid people leaving by introducing a max 100 notes selection, but worth the one time hazzle...
  2. Thank you for swift answer. Windows 10: 10.68.2, small screenshot, png-format. But same issue on web and iPhone (17.2.1) with Evernote 10.58.1.
  3. No one found a solution to this? I have taken screenshots and pasted into a note, but only 3 out of 20 shows, neither in desktop version, iPhone version or web version. Roll back to earlier version has saved twice before, but no earlier versions show for this note, though it has been added to over a couple of days. This is in best case utterly frustrating, worst case completely crisis and showstopper for my 15 years as Evernote customer, when you cannot trust that your data is safe anymore. Evernote has really degraded the last 4-5 years.
  4. Any update on this? Text collapse would be a game changer for Evernote as note taking app and I was hopeful after EN introduced header styles, but I really consider moving away from Evernote due to lack of this.
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