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Everything posted by hkokko

  1. I added "qa": { "multiSelectionLimit": 1000 } to the config, json Evernote says (after restarting) - 256 notes selected (after selecting 461...)
  2. Make it possible to create dynamic table of contents based on searches
  3. When moving or updating tags or creating table of contents I have often more than 50 items at a time. For example few hundred would be useful, looking at my notes I think around 250 would be enough
  4. Inserting a task as a button in toolbar of a note would be good usability addition. Checklist is there and it is quite easy to mistake it for a task. Perhaps something can be done for that.
  5. Inserting a task to toolbar of a note would be good usability addition. Checklist is there and it is quite easy to mistake it for a task. Perhaps something can be done for that.
  6. I am trying to search items with tag:"aname" with pdf Evernote finds items that have the text tag in the text note Evernote finds items with text pdf in the body of the text note. It also finds items that do not have pdf attachments but have the text pdf somewhere in the body of the text. In addition to these it finds the correct notes (ones with attachment pdf and tag with the tag value aname)
  7. Pleas bring this open pdf with other native tool back. i have 17000 notes many of which contain pdf’s - some of which are hundreds of pages long - this is reference library for me - I need to keep the pdf’s together with rest of my notes. so please asap - bring back the feature of opening on outside tool - for example Mac OS X standard Preview app.
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