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Everything posted by 0Mac1

  1. Sharing notes, creating tasks and assigning tasks are the things that make Evernote key in a corporate workflow. Unfortunately, when a task is completed (marked as complete) the only person notified is the person to whom the task is assigned. Huh? That's the only person who doesn't need to be notified because they completed the task and checked it off. When a task is completed, the assignor of the task and everyone with whom the note is share should be notified. That's how it should work, and I can't wait until this is fixed. Thank you!!
  2. YESS!!! A big problem for those of us who have lots of files in a single note. "View As Attachment" is randomly changing value ever since upgrade Mojave. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Evernote address this issue ASAP. Workflow is now destroyed.
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