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Dan Smith

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  1. Is anyone having a problem with Evernote iOS widgets disappearing after upgrading to iOS 18 and Evernote 10.107.0? In the iOS Search Widgets screen I can not find the Evernote widgets anywhere.
  2. The Evernote bugfix tracker entry of 9/5/24 states this would be fixed in version 10.104.2, which I am on. Both my iPhone and iPad still have three of my largest notebooks sitting there where complete green circles (all other notebooks have been downloaded). Doesn't seem this version fixed the problem. Anyone have some insight to this?
  3. Looking at Evernote's download page as of 8/2/24 at 5:21pm EST, the most current version available is 10.99.3. Evernote 10.100.1 and 10.100.3 are no longer available. Does Evernote anywhere on this forum list known problems with their software?
  4. Same here. 10.100.3 did not fix the tag issue with showing the correct number of tags. I've had significant problems with the last three versions. In another stream it was mentioned that BS was aware of the tags issue and working on it.
  5. Is there a string going with the notes not appearing with their tags? Seems like when you fix something in Evernote, something else pops up. I'm now on 10.100.1 and NONE of my tags bring down the notes associated with the tag.
  6. Quick question for the stream. When you sign out of Evernote, and select "Remove my Evernote data from this device", will this force a complete sync of my entire database back to the server? I did this and now my tags are out of sync. For instance, a given tag says 14 notes should be in the tag folder, but only 3 apply. My iOS devices are correct, however my web browser has the same problem. This has been a cluster given the amount of money being paid for the app, and now I'm going on 2 weeks with no response from Evernote help desk.
  7. Did one last Revo uninstall / clean reinstall of 10.99.3 last night. Laptop has been running since last night to allow 30K+ notes to sync back up (which I assume is a sufficient amount of time). Evernote is still stubbornly slow. I've run out of ideas with trying to figure this out and will probably switch to the web version. Probably the most frustrating thing though is Evernote support. I submitted a ticket a week ago and other than automated responses have heard nothing.
  8. Good suggestion! I've used CCleaner in the past also. Got nothing to lose so I'll give it a try.
  9. Strange... I have a registry entry for "NVIDIA GeForce Experience Share", but my device manager shows that I have an Intel graphics adapter. I searched my entire device manager and found nothing related to a NVIDIA driver. My Intel graphics driver is up to date. I could live with my slowness for a week or so if I knew BS was aware/working on this issue. I appreciate your help! Any additional ideas for fixing this without BS help is welcome.
  10. Thanks for the information! When you have a moment any guidance you can provide on how to find the appropriate driver (can't see it in my device manager), and how to update the driver would be greatly apprecaited.
  11. I'm not very familiar with my Surface graphics card (Windows 11), and did see another lengthy NVIDIA GPU stream on this site. The only "NVIDIA" related thing I could find on my laptop was in the registry (screen shot attached). If this is a "NVIDIA GPU" issue it's likely beyond my ability to fix and needs to be handled by BS?
  12. Thanks for responding! However, I have no hope that I will ever hear from Evernote support. I might try the Revo uninstaller again, but am curious as to what to expect with how long should I expect a clean re-installation to "sync" backup with Evernote? Regarding internet speed I have 80.64 Mbps download, 24.99 Mbps upload with a latency of 24 ms. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure my internet is not the issue. My two iOS devices (phone, iPad) are fine as is browser access to my Evernote data. Regarding areas I'm having speed problems with on my Windows 11 desktop below are a few examples: Home screen to fully load with four widgets - 10+ seconds Adding a task to an existing note - 10+ seconds Adding a tag to an existing note - 10= seconds Moving a note to a new folder - 10+ seconds For my notes folder, for all notes to fully load and a given note to be available to select - 10-20 seconds Modifying an existing task (i.e. selecting high/medium/low, new date, etc.) 10+ seconds Using the create note function from a calendar entry - over a minute Just a few examples. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Prior to BS buying Evernote I thought I remembered there were some tools we could use to cleanup a database?
  13. Without getting into specific functions --- there are several --- Evernote version 10.99.3 is slow, to the point I can’t use it. I’ve reached out to Evernote for help, but a week later I have gotten no response so I’m reaching out to the community. In addition to being on the most current version of Evernote, I’m using Windows 11 (up to date version) on a Microsoft Surface Pro 7 with 80+ GBs of free space. I do however have over 30K notes in Evernote, but prior to the last few versions speed has not really been an issue. I have uninstalled Evernote using Revo Uninstaller (which took several hours), rebooted, and reinstalled the Evernote. I did this three days ago so any sync that needed to be done should have completed by now. I have also deleted all files in my Evernote trash folder. Since the help desk won’t or can’t help, does anyone have any additional ideas for how to speed up Evernote?
  14. I also logged a ticket, no response, and it will shock me if I get one. Although the app has arguably been improving, the customer support provided has for all practical purposes disappeared. For the past several months it's been my experience that if you log a ticket, you will get no response other than an automated one. "Crickets" after the automated response.
  15. Same issue also. Tried to add calendar on Windows desktop app, Evernote Web, iOS and iPad devices. Got the Error during authentication! [o4] on all devices.
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