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About jcwacky

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  1. Looks like both of these features have now returned to the iOS app! Yay!
  2. There used to be a setting in Evernote > Preferences > Clipper to disable Bring the clip to the front. I can't seem to find this in the latest version. Can you please advise how I can disable this feature? I scan in documents using Doxie, and Doxie sends them over to Evernote. Unless this option is disabled, Evernote opens each imported document in a new window, which is not what you want to happen after importing 50+ documents.
  3. The PDF viewer in version 10 is inferior to the previous one. There is no way to search within the PDF - the old app had a "find" icon that allowed you to do this. The old version allowed you to very quickly "scrub" through all the pages of the PDF by sliding your finger across the page thumbnails at the bottom of the screen. This feature isn't in the new app. Please confirm you are planning on restoring these features? I scan all my docments into Evernote and with the removal of these features efficiently navigating PDF files has become near impossible. Thanks
  4. If the reason for not making PDFs display immediatly upon opening the note, is due to the delay caused while downloading, and the space that downloading a PDF takes up, then how about just displaying a much higher res thumbnail inside the note? With the option to then download the actual PDF if required. This should enable you at the very least to work out if it's the correct PDF before downloading it, and could also allow you to read the document without needing to download and open the full PDF. A low quality JPG, with the resolution of the iPhone screen would surffice, and would be about 20kb, vs over 10 times that for the full PDF. With this method, you'd quickly be able to view the file, and often probably not need to actually then download the full PDF.
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