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Everything posted by geogavino

  1. I am using the desktop app for Windows. And I am unable to log in at about the same time. It is working on my other devices. You can submit a support ticket at help.evernote.com. I already have all the most recent versions.
  2. I use the Evernote add-in with Gmail. It's not as seamless as the Outlook add-in usually is, but it generally works. However, I am also receiving "unknown error" with the Gmail add-in this week. So it may be a connected problem. Are others successfully using the gmail add-in this week?
  3. I submitted a ticket and received an e-mail response that indicated some things to check, like restarting. It's not obvious, but I had to reply to that e-mail to push the ticket through to support. I then received a response that it was forwarded to their developer team or something like that. I haven't been able to confirm that they are going to fix it only that the team is running verifications and that it will take technical time. Hopefully they are recognizing that this is a systemic issue. Hopefully more people are submitting tickets.
  4. Ditto. Not working for me either. Hoping for an update from Evernote - sending mail is not a long-term option.
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