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Posts posted by dantek


    On 1/26/2021 at 3:19 PM, N Allen said:

    I am frustrated by Evernote's agressive conversion of checkboxes to checklists. There are plenty of case where checking checkbox does not imply 'done' and does not warrant crossing the item off the list. It's a nice feature for one use case, but it is pretty annoying for all the other use cases. Even when making a checklist (say for a work procedure), I find the strikethrough redundant and unhelpful. The checklist serves as a record of operations, and I actually want to be able to read it even after the boxes are checked. I might very well wish to edit it for the next time I perform that procedure, and the strikethrough interferes.

    Probably the best solution would be to have an option on the checklist to turn off the strikethrough.

    In the meantime, I have seen that some people have found some workarounds that prevent their checkboxes from being turned into checklists. I like to use bulleted lists with various indent levels and add checkboxes to those. Putting a space before the checkbox was offered as a workaround that prevented the instant conversion of the whole list to a checklist, and that still works, but the next time I open Evernote, even those are converted to checklists.

    Does anyone have a workaround that will stick?

    Agree! Ticking the box when an item is complete is enough for me - I don't see the need to strike the text through too.

    I'd like the option to choose to use Checkboxes only if possible - maybe change the tickbox button in the toolbar to one with a drop down where you choose which one you want - and then remember that - or just have a global setting. We shouldn't have to resort to workarounds of square brackets, with leading spaces - that's absurd.

    But there is still a bug here. If I do choose to add a Checkbox as I'd prefer to use those - then when I hit enter, it changes it back to a checklist. Why - when I've specifically pressed a button to get a Checkbox, would you think that I'd like it auto-changing back to a checklist? Ideally I'd like it to act like a bulleted list - ie. it creates a new line with a new checkbox - but I want it to stay as checkboxes - so the text doesn't get struck through.

  2. How is this still not fixed Evernote?

    I don't like the 'new' Checklists - ticking the box when an item is complete is enough for me - I don't see the need to strike the text through too.

    Ok not everyone will agree - but I'd like the option to choose to use Checkboxes only if possible - maybe change the tickbox button in the toolbar to one with a drop down where you choose which one you want - and then remember that - or just have a global setting.

    But there is still a bug here. If I do choose to add a Checkbox as I'd prefer to use those - then when I hit enter, it changes it back to a checklist. Why - when I've specifically pressed a button to get a Checkbox, would you think that I'd like it auto-changing back to a checklist? Ideally I'd like it to act like a bulleted list - ie. it creates a new line with a new checkbox - but I want it to stay as checkboxes - so the text doesn't get struck through.

    • Like 6
  3. Here's my list of things I've noticed so far (Windows - v10.3.7):

    1. Note names do not appear in note windows or Windows task bar. 
    2. Search does not change cursor position - so when press Esc to cancel search - cursor should be on found text, but is still in original position so if you press a cursor key, you jump back to your original text position. You have to click on the search text to move the cursor there.
    3. Check boxes have changed - so you can't add the same checkbox as ones in existing notes - but they are still there in your existing notes. I used to use multiple checkboxes on the same line - but can't do that now (unless I copy/paste it from an old note). Only one checkbox per line - and the line gets crossed out when you tick it. Why? I've ticked the box - I don't need you to cross the line out for me too
    4. Spellcheck - can't add to personal dictionary / not using previous custom dictionary where already added words
    5. Control + M for indent only works when cursor at start of line. Worked at any position in line before
    6. Control + Shift + Space to clear formatting doesn't work any more but listed as not available in new version now
    7. Control + Space for simplify formatting should be supported - but doesn't work

    Did anyone test this before it was released? Was there not a list of changes/functions that would no longer work published?

    Please get this back to at least the same functionality with the previous version!

  4. 32 minutes ago, charlieedstrom said:

    Have you used the intitle: search option?

    Yes I know about that thanks. But I'm having to type that every single time I do a search to get Evernote to show me the note I want as the regular search doesn't prioritise the note title - so the actual note I want (with the text in the title) is always way down in the search results. I want Evernote to show me the notes with the search term in the title first (or give me the option to choose to do that if some people for some reason don't want it to) rather than having to type "intitle:" before I do any search.

  5. Yes please! Can we have 'Sort by relevance' on the Windows client please?

    I have all my notes with a sensible title - so it's really frustrating when I search for something I know is in the title, but am shown lots of notes which happen to have that text in the note body first. If I've gone to the trouble of putting something in the title, I'd expect that to be shown first as it's most likely to be the note I'm looking for (or at least to have the option to choose to do that).

    For example it makes no sense to me to not show me the note which I have specifically titled "bike" when I search for "bike" - but to have it way down the list somewhere below lots of other notes which happen to have "bike" in the note body somewhere.

    This works fine in the web client where 'Relevance' seems to be the default and shows me the notes I want first most of the time. Also in Android it shows me the notes with the text in the title (or notebook or tag) first. Just Windows which doesn't have the 'Relevance' option.

    Please can you add search by Relevance to the Windows client? All clients should be mostly consistent surely?

    Everyone please comment here if you agree so Evernote can see we want this to be added.

  6. On 3/5/2019 at 10:40 AM, Roginator said:

    I agree - the search results can be pretty terrible. One of the biggest problems is that it doesn't prioritise the matching of words in the title of a note. For example, I have a note with the title "TV". When I do a "Most relevant to least relevant" search, I expect that note to be right at the top seeing as it's the only one with "TV" in the title. Instead, I get a bunch of irrelevant notes with the word "TV" somewhere in the body.

    I totally agree with this. Personally I would like Evernote to show the notes with the search terms in the title first - or or least have an option to enable that for people who want it.

    For example it makes no sense to me to not show me the note which I have specifically titled "bike" when I search for "bike" - but to have it way down the list somewhere below lots of other notes which happen to have "bike" in the note body somewhere.

    I have loads of options to sort the results by lots of different things - including title - but that still does not prioritise the notes with the actual search term I've asked for in the title.

    I know about "intitle:" to only search in titles - but I think Evernote should prioritise these by default (or at least give us an option to choose to do that). Currently I'm having to type "intitle:"for every single search that I do as that's the only way I can get Evernote to find the note I'm looking for....the note that I've specifically gone to the trouble of giving a sensible title so I can find it... 

    Also I've just noticed...I was using the Windows client - but I've just tried this with the web client and that works differently - that _does_ show notes with the search term in the title first. I'd like the Windows client to do the same. The Android client also works as it shows notes/tags/notebooks with the search term when you are typing (before you hit enter) - which is fine too. All clients should have consistency - and I would prefer to make it easier to find notes from the text in the title - so I'd like the Windows client updating to match the web/Android client - or at least give us an option to enable that.

    Please comment here if you agree so Evernote will see people want this to change.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Just to add another comment to this thread for 2018!

    Please give us the option to disable this "feature".

    When I click on a link - I just want to go to that link...not another Evernote page saying "did you mean to click on that link?"... ie. just like how the rest of the Internet works... you don't get Chrome asking you if you meant to click on something...you just go there... It's called a hyperlink....

    Please remove this - or at least give us an option to disable it!

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