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Posts posted by dantek

  1. I get you can continue typing - but:

    1) the pop-up gets in the way and appears in front of the text I'm trying to type:


    This appears to only happen when you are zoomed in or out one step (which is how I like it as the default font is too big for me) - so that's clearly bad coding / a bug as they've not considered that case and are displaying the pop up in the wrong place - as it appears ok when you aren't zoomed - so this is presumably how it is supposed to look:


    ...which isn't quite as intrusive - so if you could at least fix that please Evernote - but I'd still like the option to turn the pop-up off as it's no use to me - just annoying and unnecessary.

    2) You can only continue typing and ignore it if you don't press enter....if you press enter then you're going to invoke the function which whatever random characters you pressed are associated with. eg. I've just ended up with a 'New linked note' when trying to continue typing - which I didn't want....and then found another bug where the "press back to go back" prompt that it gives you in the new note doesn't work as the back is greyed out...so you can't even get back to the original note that you never intended to leave in the first place without going and searching for it again.... very annoying!

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Boot17 said:

    Messy yes and not preferable for sure, but you can drag the image to a bullet list without having to delete and paste again.

    Great - thanks - good tip!

    Still messy and not what we should be doing though. Evernote should support indenting photos natively since it's capable of moving them around in bulleted lists so it can display them!

  3. Bullet lists helps a little - in that you can actually make an image move to the right. But it's horribly messy...once your image is pasted in you can't then change the level of indentation via the indent button or tab key like you can with text as once you select the individual image (you can't select the list item or the whole line in the item) the indent button gets greyed out - unless you select the entire list and some text around it and then press indent button - but that only works for an entire list then.

    You *can* drag the image back to the left to remove the indent - but you then can't re-indent it - you have to delete the image and paste it in again on a new bullet list...

    All a bit messy/inconsistent and shouldn't need a workaround anyway. To compare - indenting images works without any issues in OneNote.

    Tables don't help for me as you can't indent them at all. You can add your images to the second column but I want to indent my image along with the text around it really.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, agsteele said:

    Pasting plain text removes all formatting. So no indentation.

    Yes I know it loses formatting from the text that was copied - ie. if I copied from somewhere which did have indentation - if I pasted it to Windows Notepad to remove the formatting so it was literally just the plain text, or used PowerToys Paste as Plain Text - then I know what I paste will just be plain text.

    But when Evernote gets that plain text, then I'd expect it to be pasted into where the cursor is - i.e. indented - just as if I had typed that same text manually.

    But it's the inconsistency with pasting formatted text too. Paste the same thing with formatting - works ok (but I don't want a different font etc which is why I wanted to paste as plain text). But use Paste as Plain Text to paste the same text (minus the formatting), then Evernote removes my indentation before pasting it.

  5. Indentation is lost when pasting plain text.

    Text does not paste at current indentation level - but instead the current indentation / tabs are removed and the text is pasted at the far left.

    Pasting text with formatting does not have the same problem - that stays at the current indentation.

    Example of pasting plain text vs non-plain text with Ctrl+V shown in screenshot below:


  6. I would like to be able to indent photos just like you can with text.

    I use indenting quite a bit. I use headings (I would like 'proper' headings - see the other feature requests from everyone) a lot and then indent all the text under that heading. So when I add a photo I want it to indent along with the text. At the moment the photo sticks to the left so ruins the whole heading/indenting.

    I also use OneNote which does allow you to indent images.

    • Like 1
  7. The option to disable 'Strikethrough completed checklist items' is great and that fixes half of the issues for me - I don't need my checklists striking through if they are already ticked off as I usually want to see clearly what the checklist item was still (otherwise I would just delete it) and striking through doesn't help that, and doesn't add anything for me. So that's good.

    And having Checkboxes as a separate option still is good - I sometimes want just a checkbox that I can tick that I don't want in a list - for example I want a checkbox in the middle of a line, not right at the start, or I want more than one checkbox in a single line where I've got multiple tasks I want to tick off. One example use is a list of greetings cards - one checkbox to show I've bought a card and a second to tick off when I've sent it.

    But I still think the way that Checkboxes are turned into Checklists when you press Enter is still wrong. I intentionally added a Checkbox - so I don't want that turning into a Checklist - otherwise I would have chosen a Checklist from the start. I would like that to stop - or at least add an option to choose not to do that if some people do really use this strange 'feature'. 

    I know I can add a space before the Checkbox to stop it turning into a Checklist when I press enter, but that's not exactly good UI design when pressing Enter sometimes does something but other times doesn't.

  8. Are we really still waiting for this fix > 1 month after it was reported?

    Pretty poor that this got through testing before it was released anyway ("Test 1: Open note - look at it - is anything odd?")

    ...and I know software updates need to be planned very carefully...

    ...but to take over a month to release a fix to - and leave every Evernote user manically scrolling backwards in Every. Single. Note they open before they can do anything seems really really bad and a sure-fire way to annoy all your paying customers.

    Has anyone heard anything from Evernote as to when this will be fixed?

  9. It would still be useful for Evernote to provide this - but I found an non-Evernote solution for this for Android using Texpand app:

    Texpand: Text Expander - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.isaiasmatewos.texpand

    Allows basic date insert for free and then can pay for additional functionality.

    Alternatively add an shortcut to your Gboard personal dictionary (but not dynamic date so would need to be updated - or use eg. "0x/06/2023" template) - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3048523/gboard-android-typing-shortcuts.html

    Or just pin the current date (or a template) to the Gboard clipboard

    • Thanks 1
  10. Agree with this. I would like to be able to customise the date format for the insert date keyboard shortcut.

    Insert date: Alt + Shift + D -> inserts date in "9 June 2023" format. I would like to use eg. "09/06/2023" format instead.

    Not sure if Evernote app is following the Windows Regional format or not - but my Windows 11 is set to:

       Short date: 09/06/2023

       Long date: 09 June 2023

    ..so Evernote must be choosing the Long date if it is following the system settings. I'd like it to use the short date - or at least give me the option to choose.

    Ideally I'd like Evernote to allow a custom format including additional characters using string substitution - eg. letting me specify eg. "dd/mm/yyyy: " to get "09/06/2023: "


    I would also like to be able to customise the keyboard shortcuts as these are inconsistent with Windows (Microsoft Office):


    Insert date: Shift + Alt + D. Microsoft Office: Shift + Alt + D <- same

    Insert time: Ctrl + Shift + D. Microsoft Office: Shift + Alt + T <- inconsistent


    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    My reply was intended to reflect on your useless remarks about whether EN runs a QA. They wouldn't be able to release a working new version ever 2-3 weeks if the didn't. So it was again one of this disrespectful remarks some people use to garnish their uttering. The world is IMHO a better place without.

    Just an observation ...

    Evernote has so so many issues like that and basic text editing is such a basic fundamental feature that they really shouldn't be getting wrong that I think that is more than fair criticism. If they are updating text editing code they should have automated regression testing - manual or automated - which makes sure this basic stuff doesn't get broken.

    But whatever - I came here to contribute to improving Evernote for everyone by reporting an issue, and then updating to note that it was now fixed in the version I was running. I didn't come here to get into a pointless argument and get abuse from you. Please don't waste everyone's time by replying again unless it's about "Pressing 'End' takes cursor to end of paragraph instead of end of line".

  12. On 12/19/2021 at 1:26 AM, jensen_g said:

    Add me to the list of folks who are having continued problems with checkboxes being transformed into checklists which strikethrough completed items (unacceptable for my purposes). I have submitted tickets to Evernote over the past few months and it has fallen on deaf ears, nothing has been fixed and it is incredibly difficult to maintain basic lists of items if I do not want to use the "checklist" (strike through completed items) style. It's frustrating. 

    Did you ever get a response from Evernote on this? Auto-changing one to the other makes no sense. I'd hope that Evernote do keep an eye on these forums to get a sense of what the users think of any changes - but if you're a full paying member then they should definitely be listening to you. I keep wondering if I upgraded to a paid member whether Evernote would take my feedback onboard - but sounds like not? 

    Anyone else who finds this wrong/annoying please comment too!

  13. Hi,

    Windows client.

    Problem: Pressing the 'End' key moves the cursor to the end of the paragraph instead of the end of the line - like it used to, and like every other app I've used does.

    Since update to: 

    10.32.4-win-ddl-public (3265)
    Editor: v143.0.17719
    Service: v1.49.2
    (or could have been happening before that version too)

    Is anyone else seeing the same?

  14. Totally agree!

    This really needs a fix or a response now Evernote! Look how many posts there are on this in separate posts and in this one!

    Checklists are fine and have their uses and advantages. But I also like Checkboxes (can put multiple ones on a line etc) so I'd like to have both - or have an option to tell Evernote I only want to use. Checkboxes.

    But what is totally wrong is Evernote letting you add Checkboxes - but then changing them into a Checklist and not giving you any choice on that either. If you are always going to auto change Checkboxes into Checklists then you may as well remove the Checkbox functionality altogether. I'd prefer you just fixed this though so Checkboxes always stay as Checkboxes.

    • Like 1
  15. I see the same high CPU too on Windows.
    Upgraded to 10.17.6 a few days ago (10.17.6-win-ddl-public (275), Editor: v126.2.16348, Service: 1.37.8)
    Now I have high CPU whenever Evernote has focus (CPU drops down when just open in background) - which could be contributing to this. One thread running at 30% of CPU. Mainly when you've opened a note in a separate window - editing a note in the main window has 30% CPU when you are actively editing, but drops down when you stop typing. But when I edit a note in a separate window it runs at 30% CPU all the time.
  16. I have been seeing the same thing for a while too. Really making Evernote unusable for me.
    When switching back and forward between other windows, or between Evernote notes open in separate windows - the note hangs for several seconds before you can type again. Sometimes you have to close the note, or Evernote as a whole and re-open.
    Upgraded to 10.17.6-win-ddl-public (275), Editor: v126.2.16348, Service: 1.37.8 a few days ago
    Now I also have high CPU whenever Evernote has focus (CPU drops down when just open in background) - which could be contributing to this. One thread running at 30% of CPU. Mainly when you've opened a note in a separate window - editing a note in the main window has 30% CPU when you are actively editing, but drops down when you stop typing. But in a separate window it runs at 30% CPU all the time.
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