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Posts posted by savannagirl

  1. 32 minutes ago, Cliff TxMac said:

    If you would like to see the enthusiasm for demise, just follow on Reddit, they have been trying to kill it for years.

    However, there are issues that keep creeping up, taken by themselves do not amount to much, but cumulative and then add this as a big one for me the ship seems listless. Don't want to be that whiner threatening to leave everyday as the thought of trying to rebuild after 15 years of use, albeit mostly the free version up until 5 years ago, gives me nightmares!  However with the recent price increase, I would hope some of it would go to more than just increased margins on a cash cow business. I don't mind paying a little extra (Or a lot extra after this last increase) as long as the functionality stays relevant for my use. It seems like most of the recent "upgrades" are aesthetic, while the functionality continues to whither, but it could only be my opinion.

    Hope they get this one fixed. 

    I have no interest at all in reading about enthusiasm for the demise of anything. There’s enough of it going around in the world for bigger issues than an app!  🤣 what a bummer that their CS has dwindled to the extent that it has. I remember the days when the phone number was posted right on the account page, and you could call and get a smart helpful empathetic human on the phone without much wait time. Oh well. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - you get a boilerplate "have you tried this" response to try and take the pressure off the department;  please reply to that to get more attention.  It will still take a while.  Another lengthy workaround is:  if you have a Gmail account,  there's a google add-in which does the same thing.  If you don't have a Gmail account,  Google will happily import your non-Gmail mail by IMAP from any another account and you can still use the add-in.

    I've seen comments that Evernote gave up on the Outlook add-in,  but I think that was the older versions.  AFAIK Outlook 365 should still have that option available from the MS Store.

    I have never been able to get the Add In to work on my Gmail accounts, so for these emails, I use the “forward” workaround. But the Add In has been perfect in Outlook forever and definitely has been one of the main reasons I have stayed with Evernote for as long as I have. Now giving some thought to using Dropbox more, especially as many here are suggesting that Evernote may be dying a slow death. How I will convert the 60,000 pages of notes I have filed in Evernote remains an overwhelming task to contemplate however. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, gazumped said:

    Just to remind everyone - one workaround here is simply to forward emails to your Evernote account address...  you can add reminders / assign notebooks and add tags in the process.


    Thanks for this, and of course, this is the workaround I am using. But the result in Evernote is not the same as when using the Evernote Add In button. For one thing, the snippet view shows the forward info and not a relevant section of the email. I hope they fix it soon… 

  4. I submitted a ticket for this issue, but so far have not received a confirmation email that they received it -- which used to happen immediately after a ticket was submitted.  Makes me think that they have cut back on support, even for long-time ( since 2011) paying customers with multiple accounts like me. 

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