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Everything posted by savannagirl

  1. It's working! Thanks to everyone for staying so energetically attached to this issue!
  2. I have no interest at all in reading about enthusiasm for the demise of anything. There’s enough of it going around in the world for bigger issues than an app! 🤣 what a bummer that their CS has dwindled to the extent that it has. I remember the days when the phone number was posted right on the account page, and you could call and get a smart helpful empathetic human on the phone without much wait time. Oh well.
  3. Thanks @gazumpedfor the moral support. Much appreciated, and good to know that the comments are tainted by the perverse, even here.
  4. I have never been able to get the Add In to work on my Gmail accounts, so for these emails, I use the “forward” workaround. But the Add In has been perfect in Outlook forever and definitely has been one of the main reasons I have stayed with Evernote for as long as I have. Now giving some thought to using Dropbox more, especially as many here are suggesting that Evernote may be dying a slow death. How I will convert the 60,000 pages of notes I have filed in Evernote remains an overwhelming task to contemplate however.
  5. Thanks for this, and of course, this is the workaround I am using. But the result in Evernote is not the same as when using the Evernote Add In button. For one thing, the snippet view shows the forward info and not a relevant section of the email. I hope they fix it soon…
  6. I submitted a ticket for this issue, but so far have not received a confirmation email that they received it -- which used to happen immediately after a ticket was submitted. Makes me think that they have cut back on support, even for long-time ( since 2011) paying customers with multiple accounts like me.
  7. same for me: it happened yesterday morning on all my devices.
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