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Erik Przekop

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Posts posted by Erik Przekop

  1. On 8/18/2022 at 1:24 AM, MartinBuuhh said:

    Hi, after Waiting Version Update after Version Update, i just write down my annoying Problem here.
    For like months Evernote is not able update Files, like in my case correctly after done changes.


    - Excel File Monday opened  
    - Wednesday some new Lines into a Table in this Excel
    - When i save that changes manually and close, after that again opening, those changes are lost

    I have the same issue.  I tend to keep a mind map open for an extended period of time that I use as a planner / to-do list.  I find that if I leave it overnight, I have the same problem.  I suspect that if I at least save it periodically that might help.  Otherwise I might have to go back to keeping that one on my local file system instead of in EN.

  2. I find that I can indeed insert emoji in note titles, which looks great in a list of notes.  It appears as a plan square in the title itself, though.  Do I need to choose a specific font for titles to make this appear?  (I'm currently using Georgia, but I only tried a couple of other ones.)

    For example, I can see something like this in the list views (side list, snippet, card, etc.):


    When I have the note open, though, I see this:


  3. I find this to be a slippery topic.  "Integration" could mean just about anything.  To me, it would mean that I can embed a mind map in Evernote, edit it, and then save it back to Evernote.  I can't think of a reason to link an Evernote note to a MindMap, but I can think of a lot of reasons to have searchable, editable mind maps in Evernote.


    This worked reasonably well for me using XMind on a Mac, but doesn't work on XMind for Windows right now.  (XMind will happilly save a map, but opening it through Evernote creates a new copy of the map.)  I also use MindMeister, but it's Evernote integration is nonexistent from my perspective.


    Links do not paste as "evernote://" within Evernote for me.  If I copy a link to page in Evernote Mac then paste it (cmd+k, cmd+v), it pastes as a http:// link, and opens a browser if you click it.


    Command-V - which pastes an internal app link (evernote://)

    Command-K - which opens a web address link box AND THEN Command-V which pasts an external web note link (https://www.evernote.com/...)


    Thank you!  That's not ideal, but I just tried it and it will work for me.  I just can't link something to my own description - I have to use the link text == the linked note's title.  That's Ok.

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