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Everything posted by Happy

  1. Wow, you were quick. Just a few minutes later, I reposted an edited version, that better expresses my situation. On your points: check, check. Evernote does not strive to be a "text" processor. And you can export to HTML, which is really the best way for notes that may contain images, files, etc. Wow, you were quick. Just a minute or two later I posted an edit, that better expresses my situation. On your points: check, check.
  2. I agree, sorting is needed at the content level. Three different lists as well as tables are supported, but basic products often omit sorting, to me an obvious need. Note and notebook sorting is supported, so sort algorithms exist in the product. It doesn't seem too big a jump to apply them to content. It's easier for me to stick with a product that sorts and manually solve the "notebook" problem with the file system, than to jump to Evernote and manually solve the sequence problem. BTW, there is no export to excel or other application; the best you can do is copy/paste. None of the other suggestions are feasible for my list needs. I plan to use a spreadsheet to create and manage my list, then copy/paste into a note. It works pretty well, is easy and I can keep generations. So I can give EN pretty good marks for my need.
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