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Everything posted by pohanginapete

  1. Don't worry about that error message. AFAIK, it's something to do with the Evernote desktop app trying to connect to the server, which I understand is something it does each time it downloads a note (I might be wrong about this, but it doesn't matter). I had the same problem when trying to export directly from Evernote, and when I restarted the export (without doing anything to the identified problem note) it would work fine until it found another apparently problematic note. I don't think there's anything wrong with the notes; the problem is with how Evernote tries to export. I synced and exported almost 11 thousand notes today and apart from two error messages, which didn't matter because I just resumed the export, the evernote-backup method worked fine. Nothing else I looked into would work (for example, Backupery has disappeared and I couldn't use the Legacy version of Evernote, which used to export seamlessly). Really hope it works just as well for you. I understand how alarming it is to be completely reliant on Evernote for the security of your data.
  2. @champagnesupernova I understand your apprehension! The instructions assumed a level of geekery I don't have. However, I finally managed to figure out what to do, so here's my simplified version (to be fair, once I worked out how to actually run evernote-backup, the instructions were mostly clear): Download using the 'Portable binary' link and extract the evernote-backup .exe file (put it in a folder where you can find it easily) Open a Command prompt (type CMD in the Windows search bar to find it) Go to the evernote-backup folder by typing CD [name of folder] : for example, cd C:\Users\pohan.000\evernote-backup Type the command evernote-backup init-db and enter your Evernote username (or email) and password when prompted (NB: the password will not display on screen. I suggest copying it from a password manager and pasting it in. Take care not to paste it more than once! 😒] After you've entered your password, you'll get several lines confirming authorisation. Next, enter the command evernote-backup sync. Your notes will start syncing into a database. This might take a while if you have tens of thousands of notes. When it's finished, you can export the data, in the default .enex format, using the command evernote-backup export followed by the path to the folder: for example, evernote-backup export D:/Evernote export I got a couple of error messages partway through the sync stage, but one of the great things about evernote-backup, unlike Evernote, is that it will resume where it left off rather than starting again from scratch. Hope that helps!
  3. For the Windows 10 desktop app: To find the URL of the original webpage in a clipped note, select the note then go to Note in the main menu, then click 'View note info'. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + I You can then click the icon to the right of the URL to open the original page (if it still exists) WARNING: if you use this to copy the URL, take care not to inadvertently cut or delete the URL 😬 I assume it's similar for macs
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