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Posts posted by AllenLook

  1. Don't take it personally @allendick.  Evernote's forums have always been haunted by apologists desperate to hush any whisper of discontent.  Some of the names have changed, and some of them haven't.

    But, Evernote Legacy is a dead duck, so let's explore alternatives that offer PDF index and search, local notes (Evernote security is literally nil), and sync between a healthy selection of platforms.  At the moment, I'm most interested in Paperless-ngx and Obsidian.

    Admittedly, Paperless-ngx is a roll-your-own kind of platform and requires some skills - but it's open source, it is simplified by using Docker, and the independence may just well be worth it.

    On the other hand, Obsidian at this early look seems to be more polished, has multi-platform sync, and might insulate the customer from the bits and bytes of it all... but if that's at the same cost (of independence) that Evernote has equated to in the end,... my money is back on Paperless-ngx.

    In any event, good luck in your search for a notes tool that fits your needs, and not someone else's.

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