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About nananananana

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  1. Evernote 6.1.2 was a perfect product for my use case. A fine wine that I've been drinking and enjoying more and more with every passing year. And I have to believe there are thousands of people like me who are unwilling or unable to sync their data to the cloud for corporate security reasons. In a lot of ways we're the ideal customer for Evernote - I'd pay $100 annually to keep using the time-capsuled note taking app and almost 100% of that would be clean Evernote profit. The talk of security risk is nonesense... my notes were effectively "firewalled" with the way I used Evernote. The attack plane and honeypot that is Evernote's server's is a far greater security risk for those who use Evernote today than my local note-taking ever has been over the last 11 years. I know Legacy isn't coming back. This post is my tombstone to it. Let me grieve. To any who find themselves in my situation (on Windows) you can actually salvage your notes - cleanly and quickly without silly arbitrary v10 limitations - doing the following: Create a file on your desktop named "backup_evernote.ps1" Open the file in notepad or equivalent and paste: # Simple Evernote backup PowerShell Script # # Backs up all notebooks in your account as .enex files, located in a designated # directory. The backup directory name is generated by a base name with the # current date (mm-dd-yy) appended. # # Todo: # * Specify backup directory base via command-line # * Backup single notebook specified via command-line # * Restore notebook # You may need to modify this according to the location of ENScript.exe $ENscript = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe" # Modify backup directory base as desired $BackupLocation = "C:\Users\Artemis\Downloads\backups" # Write out notebook names to a temporary file, one line at a time $tempfile = "notebooks.txt" & $ENscript listNotebooks >$tempfile $reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($tempfile) # Create a backup directory for this date # Get current date (mm-dd-yy) and append it to the backup directory base $date = get-date -uformat "%m-%d-%y" $BackupDir = $BackupLocation + "Backup " + $date # Make the actual backup directory if ( ! (Test-Path $BackupDir) ) { md $BackupDir } # Process notebook names try { for( ; ; ) { # fetch a notebook name $name = $reader.ReadLine() if ($name -eq $null) { break } # write out the backup file for this notebook: <notebook name>.enex "Backing up " + $name + "..." $BackupFileName = $BackupDir + "\" + $name + ".enex" & $ENscript exportNotes /q "notebook: $name" /f $BackupFileName } # Show your work dir $BackupDir } finally { $reader.Close() } # delete the temp file remove-item $tempfile read over the above powershell script to gut check I'm not pulling a fast one on ya. When run, what this script will do is use Evernote's old ENScript.exe executable to export your notebooks as .ENEX files. The ENScript.exe is actually what Evernote Legacy uses to perform exports but doesn't require being logged into Evernote to use... Aint that nice!? So definitely adjust the directory locations that resolve to $ENscript and $BackupLocation to match where the ENScript.exe is on your computer (as well as which folder you want to backup to). Finally, to run the script, right click on the icon and click "Run with Powershell"... you may have to do so as an administrator. Joplin does seem to be the number one choice of Evernote refugees... But we all know it ain't no Evernote Legacy. Rest in Peace my beauty.
  2. So I've been using Evernote 6.1.2 since it came out (Once accidentally upgraded to 10 and went back within a few days). I keep all of my notebooks local so have never synced anything. I think I paid Evernote once for a month but my usage of this has not realistically cost the company any money since it's always been a local only thing for me. I never got a warning this version would cease to function and in many ways, it should not have to have been disabled. You can imagine my surprise when I accidentally logged out of Evernote this week and couldn't sign back in to 9k+ notes. The salt in the wound is they've disabled a fully functioning, perfect product, who's running on my machine costs them at worst $0.0001 per API response to auth my installation maybe twice a year. Hey, but a cost is a cost and that can add up - I get it. I'm perfectly willing to pay for a version of Evernote but the versions they have now eliminate local notebooks altogether. So we're forced to pay for an inferior version or loose everything we've ever created. Tragic.
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