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Posts posted by GinNumberOne

  1. Thank you, gazumped!

    A1 - that's the thing, it's a necessary thing and seems very simple, but for some reason, there is no such function, only a link to child notes, which is not the same at all. The only way out is to make a table of contents and copy it into the search every time you want to find something, but it is not so comfortable. It seems to me that there is some simple solution to this, but I can't figure out how to do it.

    A2 - As I understand it, you can do this with a maximum of 100 notes. Do you copy every single note manually once a month or several months? I have about 400 notes 😅. I don't understand why the developers didn't make a simpler data backup system, because it seems like such a great program. Since I haven't used similar programs or real notebooks, this is life-changing for me and I'll always be grateful for it to Evernote 🙏. I've tried Notion, but it's much worse in design for me compared to Evernote, like an old program looks, although maybe it's a matter of habit.

  2. Hello.

    1st Question:
    I have a note in Evernote called "I'll watch" and many different movies there divided by topics. But even this doesn't save the situation, because there is a lot of everything. I came up with a table of contents at the beginning of the note. For example, among this huge list of films, there is a list on the topic "classic film noir". It includes a large list of movies. How can I make it so that by writing the topic "classic film noir" at the beginning of the note and clicking on it - it automatically jumps to the place in the same note where the list of films is? In Evernote there is a similar function: when you copy a link from the Internet and then go to Evernote and highlight the text in the note and copy it, then this text is not deleted and the note is inserted. Instead, he remains the same but lights up blue and when you click on it, it automatically goes to the web link. I want something like this, only not for a link on the Internet, but for a link to a specific text in the middle of a long note. I'll be glad for your help!

    2nd question:
    Is it possible to save all Evernote information somehow in one file for backups?

    Thank you!

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