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  1. I upgraded to Evernote 10.80.3... for mac sonoma and still no fix. I have to use web\mobile version to get the encrypted info out, I do this day in and out and its very counter productive. Dear Evernote Dev team - any idea when we could have a fix please?
  2. yes same issue also posted here March 15, 2024: Evernote - encryption bug https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/150933-problem-accessing-encrypted-text-web-and-version-10
  3. SAME ISSUE - ITS A BUG PLEASE FIX IT !!! MacOS = Sonoma 14.3.1 (23D60) Evernote = 10.78.8 Notes for Devs: At the top of the page the pop up shows up, but when scrolling further down its IMPOSSIBLE to decrypt the encrypted text because the pop up is nowhere to be found, yet you can not click anywhere else on the page, or app, so its almost like its 'locked up' since you can not click out, or use the keyboard to escape\tab\etc. The only two choices are: 1) as 'jcnassoc' described, have to restart the app 2) can go to 'Evernote' menu then -->Settings-->Preferences-->Notes-->Note Width (section @the bottom) --> Switch between the two choices to 'Fit to Windows' OR 'Optimize...' to get the app to respond back. Bon chance!
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