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Everything posted by Heretik

  1. Hi @gazumped thanks for your help on this, really do appreciate it - so it turns out they have replied and now processed my refund, however they failed to update the threads on the 'My Requests' page today as you would expect and instead have emailed me. In the end last niight I did open another ticket as they suggested I could do, and today I can see they have deleted my message in that ticket. This ticket, as well as the first one explaiedn how I would like to raise and offical complaint, something they decided to side stepped in their email. I have just replied to them thanking them for finally completing my refund, but also re-asked them to raise my complaint officially due to the horrednus customer experince I've had, so I will see if they want to keep my custom with my main account. I am seriously reconsidering continuing with Evernote now for next year as having to wait over a month for a refund, and then finallying getting an unhelpful ,confusing response is simply unacceptable and I'd rather take my customer elsewhere if there is nothing they can compensate me with following such an unnesssary ordeal. Anyways! Thank you for your help, I really do appreciate it, looks like I am good for now. Cheers
  2. Bi @gazumped sorry to bother you again, but I was hoping you can again, try to help me get my issue resolved? Currently things are entirely unsatisfactory for me I’m sad to report. Whereas I finally received a response, it was incredibly unhelpful, stating I had put my ticket under the wrong catagory, though they said they would respond if I “still needed help”, but they then go on to say “Alternatively, if you have realized that you may have selected the incorrect option, you are welcome to submit a new request through our Contact form“. Having waited a month for a response I’m not keen to open a new ticket and wait for what could be another month, so I replied as such, but when I checked for a further reply today, I can see the ticket has been set to “resolved”! Having responded again to the thread I can see it has re-opened my ticket- but will I have to wait another month!?? I am hoping you can help to make sure this gets done please? It’s quite clear whoever responded to me hasn’t actually read my ticket, having said “if I still need help” is quite aggravating as I stated clearly that I needed a refund ASAP - I’m sure you will agree and understand just how frustrating this is for a customer when no one is offering any actual help, with responses from people who appear to be on autopilot with no real intent of helping their customers or making any effort to actually understand the issue or trying to help! Are you able to help raise this as a formal complaint for me as well as try to help me get this resolved please? I would very much appreciate your help on this. kindest regards
  3. Thanks very much @gazumped I very much appreciate your help on this - and the additional infomation. Using a support ticket method for billings support was always going to be a messy business I think - I'm sure there are more of us having this problem too. It really is a poor customer experience and would seem there could be a problem with the auto-renews not working as expected as well, something that should really be a high priority to investigate I'd say. I must say, I am very thankful for your assitance, (thank you!), although it should not be the case, the point of customer issue escalation is rasied via a public forum (although it does helpfully spread awareness for others), so I do hope these improvements to Customer Support Service do materialise and actually improve matters at some point! Fingers are crossed! Sadly though I think I will be looking at Evernote alternatives once my refund is resolved - unless they offer me heartfelt apologies and some sort of compensation package that is! I will post how long it takes to finally get a response, and of course how long the refund ends up taking. Again, my sincere thanks
  4. Hello - @gazumped Would you be as kind as to help me as well please? It seems I am experiencing exactly the same issue as those above, although I have now been waiting a month for a response for my refund request, so if you can help I would be very grateful indeed please! Ticket: #3824862 I was sure the account in question had been changed to a free one without autorenew off, as seems to be the case for the others as well. Interestingly, I did actually go throuhg the refund process on my other account about 4 months ago, although I think that took about two weeks to resolve; so it appears customer service has degraded even further. I think I recall some notes about customer support undergoing some sort up update back then as well, so this is very disapointing - not to mention incredibly inconvenient. This process should only really take a day or two to complete - and given the recent price hikes it makes it even more impactful - I really needed that money last week!! Is there a email/contact whom we can raise a direct complaint to? Or a regulatory body? Waiting a month without any other way to contact a company is simpy unacceptble! In any event, I do hope you can help me as well; it would be very much apprecaited! Many thanks and kind regards.
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