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About yolanda.munoz

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  1. I've had the same annoying ad experience, and I am not free, but a paid plan holder. For like 15 years. Feeling discouraged.
  2. Hello everyone I've been having this ad issue from some weeks now, since the latest update of Evernote app for Windows. I mostly use evernote on mac environment, but in my new job, I need to use windows so, there you have it. I have a paid personal account, and surely was not expecting the amount of ads directed towards my account. Not only on emails, but on the app itself, like a pop-up appearing in the middle of the app, and preventing me to use the app whatsoever. And every 5 mins I have to close the windows, and most of the times, the app crashes. This is a nightmare, and I wouldn't have expected this from a paid plan. Let me know if you have some recommendations. I already sent a note to support.
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