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Everything posted by MichaelL

  1. Thanks everyone. Since this is now in a feature request forum, I'll try to clarify with a few user stories. Prerequisite: All my notes have both typed text and attachments for the purposes of this story. And I wish to keep the attachments in the Evernote note, I do not want to have them linked somewhere else because the text wouldn't be searchable in Evernote in the cases I do want to search the attachments. As a User, I want to search all my notes, So that I can find text that I typed or that is contained in a note attachment. As a User, I want to search all my notes, So that I can find text that I typed, while omitting text contained in attachments. As a User, I want to search all my notes, So that I can find text contained in any attachment, while excluding typed text. [This one I really never do, just included it for completeness or in case others search this way] Thanks again!
  2. @gazumped - The problem is is DO want to search the notes that have attachments. Just not the attachments themselves. Let's say I have 100 notes with similar attachments (same file, updated weekly). And 5 of those notes have the word I'm searching for. Today I get all 100 notes (because the name of the country is in every attachment). I want only the 5 notes where I typed in "Canada" in the typed notes, where we had an update or comment on Canada.
  3. How do I search only text I've typed in the note, ignoring attachments? I love attachment searching, but sometimes I want to ignore those in a search. I want to search for lets say a country name I typed in, but I have a project docket file attached to many notes (weekly meeting) that has the same country name in it each week. I want to ignore those attachment references to the country name, and only return notes where I typed the country name into the note. Ideas? Almost like a "-attachments" to ignore attachments. Thanks!
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