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About Aryllia

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  1. Thanks Dave. I'm not gonna lie, a few years ago I really depended on Evernote and happily paid premium to sync between devices. It was super convenient at the time and absolutely well worth the money I paid. Note organisation, web clipping, on-the-go notes, Evernote has been absolutely brilliant both on desktop and in the app. Things are a little different now though, and that has nothing to do with the changes Evernote has gone through, it's just regular life changes that has impacted the time I have for my projects. The last few years, the only features I've needed from Evernote that I can't get from a basic word processor is the tags and the inter-linked notes, so arguably Evernote is a bit overpowered for me in more ways than that my poor old hardware doesn't get along with flashy new updates. I'm effectively in the process of KonMari-ing my way through the "miscellaneous" notebook I set up as default some 10 years ago (dear god, there's so much junk here), and I think I've found a good (local and offline) solution for my projects. Not gonna name drop the competition obviously, but I've checked in with their community and the consensus is that the software should work for my needs. IDK, feels better to not have my stuff on any servers for long-term storage, not when I have my own dedicated backups literally in my desktop drawer. And some of these notes were really overdue for deletion ^_^;
  2. I love two things about this thread. 1. PinkElephant being super defensive over V10 and jumping at anyone who doesn't praise it (EN paying you to be that salty bud? you seem almost personally insulted every time someone prefers legacy, to the point where it's almost comical - especially since I admittedly imagined you with a very silly voice, sorry about that) 2. The link to the old version of EN. Much thanks, will be using this until I find a suitable replacement program (I actually did find this thread because I was looking for a link to the old EN - I accidentally updated by misclicking a pop-up, but the old version works better with this computer). Given my personal needs and previous software disappointments I had with the solution I had before I used Evernote ("hello! everything you love is OLD so we're throwing it out!!"), I'm tempted to forget syncing completely and just install something old school that will sit pretty offline and not connect with the internet in any way. It's not as if I strictly speaking need to use more than one device after all, and maintaining a functional workflow is more important than having new features. I'll just have to re-learn the art of maintaining backups myself. So, in a way it was good that I misclicked that pop-up. Otherwise I wouldn't have seen this thread and gotten the heads-up that it's time to migrate again. To the people in this thread who are/were using EN in a company setting, hope things worked out for y'all, either with EN v10 expanding its features to match what you were doing in the legacy version or you found a different program to transition to.
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