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Everything posted by dunego

  1. That's uninspiring as ****. I'll have to downgrade to the last version before it until it's fixed.
  2. How can I remove this annoying non sense ? Just someone that never wrote anything but codes could come up with this non sense, uninspiring idea, please remove it. Anyone knows how can I downgrade to a version before that ?
  3. UPDATE: Now, for no reason, the account that was active by mistake is suddenly shown as FREE account as well as the other one. I checked my itunes and the subscription is still active until july 13. That's some buggy *** ****** account management with NO SUPPORT. They used to have a chat that wasn't good at support but at least you was able to talk to a human being.
  4. Unbelievable. You must be paid for it. 10 years subscribing to an app, and then I'm suddenly attacked by this stupid spam screens on my phone, that make me make a little mistake, and in about 20 days I have NO SUPPORT AT ALL, but the 5 stars forum user thinks that's all my fault. I've gotten support on vitamin sites like iherb for more complicated issues than this, and had my problems resolved in 5 minutes or less. You can't be serious. This is a notebook app, people hold important information on it, maybe life changing information, so can you imagine if I was in need of support for a more serious issue ? You really can't be serious.
  5. That's such a lame comment. I have an active subscription NOW, but unused, and have another account that is the actual account that I use. The support could easily: cancel the subscription for the one that it's active. activate a subscription for the one that I really use, without charging me, as I already paid for it. ANY DECENT COMPANY SUPPORT would do it in less then 3 minutes. I hope you never need this support in your life, if you are even a real user and not someone evernote pays for posting in this forum instead of hiring a bunch more people to really support the users.
  6. Of course you won't even let this post be posted. This company is a scam, ridiculous, I am canceling my subscription asap, I'm an artist and got half a million followers and I'll make sure to harm your reputation as you are harming my work.
  7. I'm an evernote user for about 10 years now. I sign it for a very long time. One day the subscription expired, maybe my credit card has changed, I don't remember exactly, and that inelegant, ridiculous, subscription renewal screen pop up on my phone. That's so disgusting, I couldn't even access the setup screen so I logged out, and made the renewal by my itunes account, but I didn't realise that I logged on another account ( because that stupid screen asking me for a subscription don't even let me access the setup page so I can view if I'm logged on the right account). I had to cancel the subscription and resubscribe for the right email/account. Now it happened again but the subscription will spire only 6 months from now, and somehow they changed the subscription for the another account maybe because it's the same email as the credit card or something. And I'm not getting support from evernote for about 3 days. I'll post it on another forums because evernote support sucks. And that's so important as we talking about a notebook that can have a lot of important information that you may need quick. My question to the forum is if that's any way to migrate your notes to another app. If they don't solve my problem today I want to cancel my subscription and go for a service that can give me good support.
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