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About Manju123

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  1. I have the latest version of the Evernote Mac app, but it does not export any of the metadata in my notebooks or individual notes. I tried all the available methods for exporting my notebooks and individual notes using the Evernote Mac app - ENEX, single HTML, multiple HTML, and PDF. However, the app will not export any of my metadata using any of these methods. I tried de-selecting all of the metadata options and then re-selecting them before exporting a note and notebook again, but it made no difference. I tried reducing the metadata export options to only include the Created Data, but the app still would not export the metadata. When I checked the file info on an individually exported note, it says it was created today - the Created Date metadata is not stored anywhere in the file. Please fix this issue ASAP so that I can export all of my content from Evernote, including my metadata. Your website states that I can do this, but your Mac app does not provide this functionality. Your help page (see link: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557) states: If exporting as a single-page HTML file, you will receive a single HTML file with all notes and a single folder that contains all note resources (e.g., attachments, files). If exporting as a multi-page HTML file, you will receive an HTML file for each note, a single folder that contains all note resources (e.g., attachments, files), and an index that links all of the HTML files. Attributes will be stored as metadata in the HTML or ENEX file. Thank you!
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