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About whydoIneedyetANOTHERname

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  1. He didn't miss it. There are just people who are hellbent on acting like Evernote is problem-free and the only people that are complaining are either cheap and don't want to pay, "don't get it", or just like to complain. They act like Evernote cares about them being on here as their #1 fan. I've never had as much issues with a product as I do with Evernote. And as I've said on here before - my boyfriend and a couple co-workers of mine HAVE paid accounts (both monthly and annualy) and still have the same tech issues and issues reaching real support. Anybody that bends over backwards trying to convince you otherwise is often blowing smoke because they get a rise out of telling people to "suck it up". I was in the same boat about to switch to paid but why when so many other companies are better at communicating and standing behind their product. Just yesterday my boyfriend lost a years worth of notes and everything reset to a very specific date in 2022. He has gotten 0 help. I'm switching tonight because the thought of my notes not even being safe is the last straw. Again, if paid people are having the same issues you do nothing to convince me to switch. The dramatization on here against people who have issues with Evernote are missing the point - the product shouldn't be this dang buggy in the first place. Free or otherwise. Funny the Pink Elephant calling you an influencer but have whole accounts dedicated to defending Evernote and helping people with their tech issues as if it's part of their lifes work. No one ever accused them of acting like an influencer everytime they insist that it's always the users fault and the almighty Evernote will "get better soon"...
  2. Every subscription-based service I've used over the last three years sent out emails, clear push notifications, etc. giving users a heads up of new free tier limits and pricing changes. And I have a lot. My Evernote has been buggy with loading issues, sync issues, and pop-ups freezing my notes for months. Since last summer. Across two laptops, desktop, and phone. I've sent tickets, emailed, tried to chat - nothing worked, no repsonse. If I use a product for a long time and then a pay model comes out with new updates - I'll pay for it. Especially if there's a discount for year one. However, that's only *if* the experience so far has been pleasant. In this case, it hasn't. By definition I'm not a customer, I'm a user - but if your product gets to the point where it's impossible to use and I can't get it fixed by any form of contact, it's a good way to not ever convert me to a customer. I planned on switching to annual in August 2023 but began to lose notes, my phone would be days without sync, and I would get pop-ups for upgrades in the middle of typing on mobile which would crash the app and I'd lose the whole note. Some days it was literally unusable. Without support, I had to rely on online communities and Reddit threads to try to troubleshoot myself. Naturally, I held off on subscribing because I didn't have faith that paying would make things better. And the more I read, the more people confirmed that it wouldn't. I noticed people often want to boil down rollouts like this down to people whining about price. But it's not just that. It;s the product. I want a relaible product that works with service that backs it up if something goes wrong. For me, this is probably the single most convulted, unorganized, non-transparent process I've ever seen from a modern app - paid or otherwise. The choice to make Evernote itself less usable week after week with no workaround while also not sending out a full memo on new prcing tiers (which again, is what I'm used to) did nothing to convince me to stay. The fake "scarcity" with me clsoing boxes that said "You won't see this essage again" just for me to get it 7 minutes later did not help me keep my sanity while trying to stick it out. Evernote's path to getting people to stay and become loyal, paid customers in a sea of note-taking and productivity apps should have been by bringing users in on the changes instead of making people solve their issues in random blogs and online communities. Troubleshooting and product problem solving should come from the company itself - users shouldn't have to constantly scour the internet to answer their own questions because your customer service is nonexistent. My boyfriend pays for his and had the same issues getting a hold of someone. So what's the point? I have never had a tech issue, loading issue, or anything else solved with an Evernote ticket. My last one is two months old and no one ever bothered to get back to me. I have never even got a response. Had you done a better rollout of this as well, I'd be staying and paying like I had planned. I have 37 subscriptions - alot of them paid for by work, some by me personally. I'm used to changes - especially price increases since 2020. I get the why, it's the how that isn't working. Once the experience becomes a pain and I'm spending more time trying to fix the issues I'm having rather than using it - I'm out. I've lost all patience. There isn't a single sbscription-based service I have (tech-based or otherwise) that has gone about it this way. Not in 2023, that is. Also a reminder that every user on Note Taking/Productivity Apps is not going to be a long-suffering, tech-savvy DIY'er. They are students, small business owners, indie authors, and random note takers. The expectation from some holier-than-thou users that the average person should just suck it up and figure it out is missing the point. Every user of Evernote coud have been better converted into a funnel where they became a loyal paid customer if things were clearer and got fixed faster from jump. This is not how you revamp your business for profit in a streamlined, transparent way - this is how you lose users without bringing them into the fold and convincing them to stay over all the other products out there.
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