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  1. Appreciate the clarification re: mixing. Now I'm reluctantly not doing that.
  2. Boot17, Thank you so much. This saved me quite a bit of work. I knew how to undelete a note, but didn't know about the rollback machine! PinkElephant, For the record, I tried the new version of EN and was advised by EN support to use legacy if I wanted to be able to drag and drop attachments from EN to Outlook emails on my Windows desktop and laptop. So I'm not mixing legacy and V10. Regarding the inability to drag and drop from V10 to Windows Outlook emails, below is the complete email from support. They were very clear that this is not supported and might never be. FWIW, I just gave up and re-installed V10. Still can't drag and drop to Outlook. As far the Legacy/V10 debate: I realize Legacy isn't supported but it had features, like drag and drop, that I use frequently. Also, V10 is slower. Not tons slower, but a bit slower each time I click on a different note. And since it shows each PDF as a preview, those seem to take even longer to appear if I click on a note with many PDFs in it. I thought there was a way to show all notes as titles, but I'm not seeing it now. I have a recollection that I handled this in my previous experiment with V10. Appreciate any ideas on how to make all CURRENT PDFs as titles. If a note has ~10-20 PDFs in it, that's a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom of PDFs to see any written comments I put in the note. Shortcuts don't appear across the top now on V10. Which means on my laptop, I have scroll down to see the stack of notes I use most of the time. On Legacy, there are shortcuts across the top, and Notebooks (and stacks) on the left. And is it true that even if I set my iPad and iPhone to download EVERYTHING from EN to store locally, PDFs and other attachments still are not on the iOS device? In the past, I think I previously had access to them. But I'm reading in some posts that now I still need an internet connection to see attachments?!? This will be problematic if I'm off the grid or need attachments when I don't have cellular or wifi when traveling. I appreciate the time you take to reply and I wasn't looking to re-litigate the Legacy/V10 debate. I know that V10 doesn't replace the functionality I had in Legacy. But I SURRENDER. I'm reinstalling V10 on desktop and laptop, as I can't risk losing attachments again. I don't see one benefit of V10, and only negatives, but the tide is against me. I understand you are unable to drag and drop a PDF from Evernote to an email to add it as an attachment. Thank you for sending your app and device details in advance. We haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app. This is one of a handful of features we are still considering. Thanks for letting us know this feature is important to you. I will share this information with our product team. While we encourage everyone to give the new Evernote app a try, we recognize that there are some scenarios where using an older version is necessary or desired. To install the Evernote Legacy app for Mac or Windows, follow these steps:
  3. Some notes did not show PDFs or JPGs on my iPhone that showed on my Windows 10 Pro computer. To make things worse, to "test" the issue, I typed test into the note on my phone. Boom! 12-15 PDFs and a few photos all got deleted from my note in Windows. That was months of gathering info to prepare for a trip and copies of confirmations, passports, tickets, all got deleted. I suppose I can find the original emails and re-scan documents, but it's a fair amount of work. AND the main problem is even if I get them into my desktop, they don't seem to want to show on the mobile device that I'll be traveling with. I noticed PDFs missing on other notes on my phone, but some were there. So I'm also terrified to use my phone/EN as I might wipe out PDFs from desktop since often, I can't know what PDFs aren't showing in which notes. I am on the Legacy version of EN. I tried the web version and it was a disaster: slow, PDFs all showed as documents, and I could not drag and drop attachments from notes to Outlook emails. Not implementing drag and drop was a deal-killer for me. Support (below) said that "some scenarios where using an older version is necessary or desired." So I rolled back to the Legacy edition in October 2023. Running latest iOS (17.1.1) on a new iPhone. I'm not certain which tier of EN I have. I pay $129.99/year and have it syncing on four devices (2 Windows / 2 iOS). ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO GET ALL THE ATTACHMENTS BACK? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Extra points if you can tell me how to get PDFs to sync to an iOS device. I'll try support, but I can't wait a few weeks for a response. They still haven't gotten back to me about another question I sent them in October. I understand you are unable to drag and drop a PDF from Evernote to an email to add it as an attachment. Thank you for sending your app and device details in advance. We haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app. This is one of a handful of features we are still considering. Thanks for letting us know this feature is important to you. I will share this information with our product team. While we encourage everyone to give the new Evernote app a try, we recognize that there are some scenarios where using an older version is necessary or desired. To install the Evernote Legacy app for Mac or Windows, follow these steps:
  4. I have the same issue as Grateful Moon had. Latest is and EN 10.2. iPhone 12Pro. Save button doesn't respond after I take a photo to insert in a note. EN hangs and I have to swipe up to get my phone to respond again.. Any ideas or is this an EB bug that people are only first discovering?
  5. Agreed. Not so useful for all my PDF's to display when I only want to see the file name.
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