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About hashirshabbir

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  1. Unfortunately, Evernote doesn't natively support adding custom dictionaries, including medical ones, on either Mac or Windows. But fret not! Workarounds abound: 1) Install external medical spell checkers that integrate with Evernote (Grammarly has some medical add-ons). 2) Create custom Evernote tags for medical terms you frequently use. 3) Consider alternative note-taking apps with built-in medical dictionary support. Hope this helps navigate the (unhyphenated) path to medical terminology clarity!
  2. Evernote is stored on your computer in the form of a local database file that contains all your notes and their associated data. This allows you to access your notes even without an internet connection. However, it's important to note that while your notes are stored locally, they are also synced to Evernote's servers in the cloud. This means that if Evernote were to go out of business or change their business plan in a way that you can't continue using their service, you would still have access to your locally stored notes, but you might lose access to the cloud-based features and syncing. To ensure the safety of your data, it's a good practice to regularly export your notes as backup files, which you can store separately on your computer or in another cloud storage service.
  3. To efficiently jump to different tasks across a very long note, you can utilize the left sidebar to locate the task, copy its name, return to the note, and then use the search function to quickly find the task name. This method streamlines the process of navigating through your extensive note and accessing specific tasks.
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