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maxime ever

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  1. Thank you for your answer Dave-in-Decatur and gazumped
  2. Hello everyone. I want to export my evernotes notes on my hard drive to my computer (windows). I have read several threads which explain the following procedure: "The new Evernote for Windows Select a notebook or the specific notes that you want to export. Right-click on selected note(s) and select Export.... Select a file format (ENEX, single-page HTML, or multi-page HTML). Check or uncheck the attributes you'd like to export with your notes (e.g., tags, created date, author). Click Export. The file will be saved to your computer's desktop. Older version of Evernote for Windows Click on a note or hold down the Ctrl key and click to select multiple notes. Right-click on selected note(s) and select Export Note(s).... Select Export as file in ENEX format (.enex) from the menu and click Export. Choose the file name and location, then click Save." But the problem is that the export option does not appear. Here is a screenshot for notesbooks folders (on evernote.com, chrome). : And here is a screanshot for the notes books files: Thank's for your help !
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