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About RobertoPowelleo

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  1. Yeah, had a play around with the settings, paying attention to what my calenders were called etc and figured it out. Many thanks. Must have missed it first time around.
  2. Id like to see my google calender inside evernote. I realised that my username email for evernote ends with "googlemail.com" from the days when that was a thing, but my gmail/gcalenderaccount is more typically "gmail.com". Is is possible to get evernote to see my "gmail.com" calender and not look for my "googlemail.com" account? Im not sure this is even the issue, but im hypothesising it is. Any ideas?
  3. Another fan of amazing marvin here! Its a bit niche but i love it! Not sure how id integrate it with evernote but , id be keen to learn!
  4. It's better. I have to confess I may have been clicking on the wrong area (too far to the left). Sometimes hangs a bit but generally works
  5. Hi. Samsung S20 , running 10.53. When I use the Evernote widget to save a clip, it's very difficult to select tags. Have to tap on it multiple times before I can select one . Slightly better if I go in the app and select the tags , of they are near the top. But as soon as you go to search for a tag and try to select one of those it's tricky to get the tag selected .
  6. Thanks! ill try that. Like i said , probs a super niche request, and im sure BS/evernote are focusing on more pressing stuff, which im all for! Post it note the company does have its own app interestingly, where you can grab a whole board and it captures the individual notes, and does a basic ocr on each note. You can export to trello, but not evernote yet. Im a visual thinker so i like post it notes for the visual spacial aspect of it. Thanks for your suggestions!
  7. Hi there, I know this may be low on priorities, but id like to see more post it not integration. There used to be more support for capuring post it notes. Id like to be able just to seach of post itnotes in evernote. Id also like for evernote to be able to capture multiple post it notes, say for example capturing a whiteboard of post it notes. Cheers
  8. Hi there, Ive returned to evernote after a long hiatus. I was diganosed with adhd a few years back, forgot all about it and now im confronting it head on. Ive decided to use evernote as my main tool, i love it, its a great product for being my "second brain". Can capture stuff fire some tags at it and find it later (finding stuff doesnt always happen with adhd!) I was a tad disappointed to come back to an evernote that had "lost the room", it was no longer the cool kid in class. Now , im glad that bending spoons have taken over, and im feeling positive that they are gonna make evernote what it should be. What im missing online is the positivity and excitement around evernote online. Back in the heyday, we had experts telling us how to maximise its use, loads of guides online about how to go paperless etc, the forums were active etc. Now i know the work is on making the product stable, and fixing bugs etc, but can Evernote start being more active online somehow - bit of a vague request i know! In the words of oddball from kelly's hero's - "enough with the negative waves man!" Come on bending spoons! Im rooting for you! Make the product great again, and let people know its great again!
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