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Posts posted by faq75

  1. When preparing to submit a new bug to Evernote technical support, I noticed they had removed all entries from the ID, CREATED and LAST ACTIVITY COLUMN.


    Anyone else noticed the same thing? 

    Evernote has become increasingly glitchy over the past 2 weeks after a brief period of stability. Wonder what they're trying to cover up this time.


  2. Just an update but Evernote finally fixed this error last month. Took a lot of time but they admitted there was an issue and got it sorted. 

    Unfortunately, they have now taken away following up on bug reports in their request section. Don't know why but the flow of conversation is now submit a request and Evernote may choose to respond. 

    Not the best customer service one requires when bugs need fixing.

  3. 16 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    If only very recent notes are found, you either have a corrupted search index, or a weird malfunction.

    Search does work on my full account content, years back as well as recently added content.

    It may be that it takes some hours until newly applied tags have proliferated themselves to all devices. But that's the only problem I am currently aware of.

    This search isn't to do with tags but word search. Before I could enter a term and it could find them easily. Now, it only locates the most recent document.

    I updated to the most recent version today but still having problems.

  4. On 5/15/2024 at 1:22 PM, Mike P said:

    I don't think I would expect the note I am looking for to necessarily come up in Evernote's "go to..." suggestions. What happens when you press enter and get the full list of results that meet the criteria? You can then filter those or order them in a way that helps you find what you are looking for. 


    I rarely use "Go to" now as EV mucked that up last year but I still use a combination of filter and word search to find what I'm looking for or, even better, to find a reference in a document that I may have missed. 

    My work involves reviewing a lot of government documents and reports. So my notebooks have lots of text searchable PDF's.

    Evernote's recent search failures have made my job a lot more difficult in reviewing material now.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mike P said:

    I don't know and they seem to have deleted the system limits page from the website. However my notebook has over 6000 notes in and isn't causing me any problems.

    The web version is the closest you can get to what data EN has on it's server. I assume you can all the notes but search doesn't find them which sounds like an indexing problem - new notes are being indexed but old ones aren't. I wonder what happens if you go to an old note and make some small change to it - does it then become visible in search? Also does filtering, as opposed to searching, have the same issues?

    Thanks. I just tested changing an older note and then searching and yes, it did find it. So currently it's only locating recently uploaded/changed notes. 

    Using tags to filter is currently operating okay but I tend to use a combination of the two to nail down the relevant documents for work.

    So if the issue is in indexing, what could be the fix for it?

  6. 3 hours ago, Mike P said:

    That's not my experience. It is both finding older notes containing the word and highlighting the word within the note.

    Have you tried the web version to rule out a local database problem or just refreshed your datbase by signing out and choosing to "remove my Evernote data from this device"?

    Unfortunately, not happening in my folders. I just tried on two PC's, my phone and online with several commonly used search terms and it only shows newly created files or nothing.

    Is there a maximum limit to Evernote notebooks. This one has over 6000 notes inside.


  7. 3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    First you generalize and don’t mention the client. There are (subtle) differences between desktop, mobile and web.

    I did specify the platform in response to your first question. I said it was on Windows PC and online, which I would take to mean web. The problem is repeated on those two platforms. So not true.


    3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Second you explicitly asked for tag search. If you want to search for tags, you have to tell the system that it should look for tags. Text search is something else.

    I did not ask for tag search. That was somebody else. I was specifically looking for word search as outlined in the first post which said:

    "It appears that the word search function on Evernote 10.86.8 is not functioning anymore. Anyone else having the same issue?"


    3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Third there is a difference how search results show. If in a notes text, it’s highlighted directly. If the search term inside of an attachment, you sometimes need to search in the note, or in the document to locate it after the note is found.

    The search bar would previously locate the search term within the document but in the past week, it is only giving notes created within the past week. It isn't going any further. 

    As Evernote was previously okay carrying out this function before but not now, it counts as a bug.

    Hope that clarifies what I'm reporting.



  8. 6 hours ago, valmad said:

    Yes. I came to say the same thing. The "search" in Evernote does not show the tags.  I have Mac, Evernote premium.

    It has been quirky for a long while and, today, does not show the tags, even with multiple tries. In the past couple of weeks, the tags would show up after a few tries, but today, nothing. In the example below, the search is for "acetylcholine",  there are several notes for the search term,  these only show up after a couple of tries but the tag which is present in the screenshot as part of the note, does not show up in the choices for the the search term.

    The search function needs to be updated, has not been functioning well with this new version of Evernote.

    The second problem with search is that if an earlier unrelated tag is present in the filter and you are doing a general search for another topic, if you remove the tag, the topic search term is also removed. So you have to reenter the search term. This was not the case with legacy.


    I've been complaining about this for a while and even bugged one of their execs and the press office about it. Something must have happened as they came back immediately begging forgiveness and offering an additional three months of free premium service. I now use the filter tool to sift through the notes. 

    The word search function was working (barely) a few weeks ago up until this latest update. Ah, well. Now I have to go back to bugging their team again asking they fix this.

    It does appear that each new update seems to be more about appearance then actual data organisation...

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    If you want to search for myword, type myword into the search field.

    If you want to search for the TAG myword, type tag:myword into the search field. Or use the filters option.


    The problem is that if you type "myword" into the search field, you either don't get any results or you only get those made over the past week. 

    Not useful for sifting through a large number of notes and correspondence.

  10. 1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    I'd suggest you ask Bill Gates for a second opinion too...  he seems to have lots of free time...

    It's funny you say that because a few hours after I sent that email, I got an apology from the technical support team and a 3 month coupon to make up for the delays in solving the issue.

    Of course I would rather prefer the issue to be fixed and I hope that email escalated the matter.

    • Like 1
  11. On 2/5/2024 at 4:35 PM, GarySam said:

    Evernote experience appears to be degrading with each new, subsequent update. Specifically with search features/capabilities.

    I noticed that search (Win platform), or alt+crtl+f, is randomly omitting tag labels.

    For example,
    searching for 'xyz' is randomly not finding tags labeled 'xyz'.
    my work-around is to directly search tags as my first pass as finding something.

    This new behavior breaks the recommendations previously offered while typing in search values.


    I emailed one of the Bending Spoon presidents to ask if they could get in touch to resolve this issue.

    • Thanks 1
  12. I'm not asking for phone support. I'm asking if anyone has phone numbers of their offices, listed or unlisted, or executives who work there. It has been more then 20 days and the issues I'm trying to work around are still not being acknowledged or resolved despite uploading videos and logs to their help site. The updates that have been carried out appear to focus on the aesthetics of the software, not the core issues.

    Well, guess I'm going to have to fix this myself... 

  13. 2 hours ago, gazumped said:

    -And just to confirm.  If you need to contact Evernote the available options are on the website,  including the links to

    https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (subscribers)

    https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (anyone)

    or mail feedback@evernote.com

    There are no user telephone options.

    I'm aware of all these options and have exhausted them. If anyone has any number for their offices or staff, that'd be appreciated. 



  14. Just now, agsteele said:

    If there are no numbers on the website then there is nothing available.

    Well that's why I'm asking.

    Frankly I find your passive aggressive responses to simple queries unnerving. You could have just not responded. 

    There is neither a need or a request to respond. Just something for you to think about in future.

  15. And still nothing from Evernotes. I've uploaded several videos, submitted log files and no confirmation whatsoever they're dealing with the issue but at least they made the display more aesthetically pleasing. 

    I'm happy to pay for a product that works but I fear this will go to two months now.

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