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About Squirrel217

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  1. Basic web clipper questions from a new user! 1) When I use web clipper, is it holding a static webpage that exists at that moment, or is it holding a dynamic webpage/URL that updates? For example, I might use web clipper to save an article about trees on January 1, and inside Evernote I highlight some sentences. On January 7, the author of the article adds a new paragraph to the online article. On January 25, I go back to the Note to reference my highlighted sentences. My question is: when I go back to the Note on January 25, will my Note be the same as it was when I saved it on January 1 OR will the URL refresh inside Evernote and now include the new paragraph that was added on January 7? 2) This question is sort of secondary to the question above. I have a digital subscription to The Atlantic. When I am logged in and reading subscriber-only articles, and I use the web clipper to save the article, it saves the whole article. My question is: will I be able to access it later on Evernote if I am NOT logged into The Atlantic? (I have already tried to save an article from my Atlantic ios app to Evernote on ios and it only captured the first two "free" paragraphs but I wondered if that might be because there isn't a specific app interface, and maybe browsers would be simpler.) Thank you very much!
  2. YES! I’m a new user and I’m truly surprised that when I search, I can’t swipe through the notes to go from the first search result to the second, third, etc (like pages in a notebook… hmm…) speaking re: iphone app
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