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About manabu

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  1. The workarounds didn't help to improve the situation. However, the issue was resolved after I changed each account's plan for the time being: Account A -> Personal to Free Account B -> Free to Personal It looks like my Evernote said I used up 10GB only based on Account B's usage. it's a bit buggy behaviour but I will close this thread as I don't have the time and energy to pursue this matter further. 😅 PinkElephant-san, thank you for your help!
  2. It's difficult to say the exact size, but I just want to upload 10-20 screenshots in each note and the number of notes should be 30-40 in future, so I don't think it reach either the note upload limit or my account's upload limit.
  3. Hello, I wanted to upload images to my notes but Evernote says that I've reached the upload limit. However, my account still has 99% remaining. I have two accounts A (Personal) and B (Free) and I used B to upload at first then B reached the limit. So I changed the account to A but I'm still not able to upload. I then signed out B and created a new note as A but Evernote still says my account has reached the limit. It seems that my Evernote is confusing A and B but how can I align the situation?
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