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(Archived) Sync and encrypted text

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I'm a Evernote newbie, so please forgive the question if it's obvious...

I really LOVE the feature to create notes, and encrypt just sections - such as documenting usernames and passwords. Even better is the 3.0 feature to sync such things to an 'in the cloud' place. But - when I look at notes through the web interface, there's no function to decrypt those sections - just the scrambled text. Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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Perhaps more worryingly, I encrypted some text, synced, and noticed it was scrambled both online and onto a second computer I synced back onto. I then checked the original note, and this had been scrambled too! Luckily I still have a copy of the original text elsewhere.

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Perhaps more worryingly, I encrypted some text, synced, and noticed it was scrambled both online and onto a second computer I synced back onto. I then checked the original note, and this had been scrambled too! Luckily I still have a copy of the original text elsewhere.

So, what you are saying is that Windows client looses the encryption after syncing the note? Did you edit this note on the Web or Mac client?

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