Thought I'd try something real basic. Opened a PDF file, selected a picture, copied it to clipboard. Pasted to Evernote. So far so good, it appears in my notebook.
The picture has been sized down, for some reason. No worries, I'm going to resize it there.
Wait a minute... There are no menus to do that, no right-click option, no corners to drag.
What am I doing wrong? Surely something as basic as resizing a picture can be done? Right?
emx 0
Just started today using Evernote.
Thought I'd try something real basic. Opened a PDF file, selected a picture, copied it to clipboard. Pasted to Evernote. So far so good, it appears in my notebook.
The picture has been sized down, for some reason. No worries, I'm going to resize it there.
Wait a minute... There are no menus to do that, no right-click option, no corners to drag.
What am I doing wrong? Surely something as basic as resizing a picture can be done? Right?
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