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Paste on my PC makes notes in Evernote

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Evernote makes notes from whatever I paste on my PC. There is no way to change this function, I only could change the notebook where i want to put these notes. Please help me to solve this problem, it is annoying and makes useless trash to my notes and working documents. Thank you

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  • Level 5*
11 hours ago, sarap344 said:

Evernote makes notes from whatever I paste on my PC. There is no way to change this function, I only could change the notebook where i want to put these notes. Please help me to solve this problem, it is annoying and makes useless trash to my notes and working documents. Thank you

Weird. Check if you have somehow changed the last hotkey called "paste clipboard" in options, under the hot key label.. (Standard is Ctrl+Alt+V) Assuming that you might have changed this to Ctrl+V, or that you are using Ctrl+Alt+V when doing your regular pasting, instead of just Ctrl+V outside Evernote.

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16 hours ago, gustavgi said:

Weird. Check if you have somehow changed the last hotkey called "paste clipboard" in options, under the hot key label.. (Standard is Ctrl+Alt+V) Assuming that you might have changed this to Ctrl+V, or that you are using Ctrl+Alt+V when doing your regular pasting, instead of just Ctrl+V outside Evernote.

Thank you for your response. I checked it and there was "Ctrl+Alt+V". However, I've never used this combination instead of Ctrl+V, I deleted it from the hotkeys, just in case. I hope it works, we'll se later, because this pasting issue started to occur randomly (..At least not everytime I paste).

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